Making sure you avoid the following 3 “time wasters” will save you lots of time.如果你能避免以下三个浪费时间的不良习惯,那么你就能挤出很多时间。
Time Waster #1: Not having a “Theme”时间杀手一:做事无重点
Not having a theme for your day, month or year can cause you to waste lots of time. Why? Because you will probably attempt too many tasks and get very few done; the key is to focus your days, months and or years solely on your priorities.对于你每天、每月或每年要做的事情没有一个重心,这会浪费你很多时间。为什么?因为你会设想去完成很多任务,而实际上却只能做很少的一部分。关键是要把你每天、每月、每年的时间花在最重要的事情上。
Maybe you want to take a day and focus on organizing your house, or take a year and focus primarily on getting in shape or creating a prosperous mind, but keep your focus single. You will accomplish more when you have singleness of purpose.也许你想花一天的时间来整理房间,或者花一年的时间来保持体形,又或者是丰富自己的头脑,但记住一次只做一件事。当你每次只专注于一个目标时,你会收获得更多。
Time Waster #2: Chatting on the telephone at “Inopportune Times”时间杀手二:在不恰当的时间打电话闲聊
I have specific times that I will answer my phone, if someone calls outside of those hours, I will return their call when it’s most convenient for me. You can waste a lot of valuable time just “shooting the breeze” at inopportune times.我有一个专门的打电话时间,如果别人在这段时间外给我打电话,我就会在我最方便的时候去回电。在不恰当的时候打电话闲扯瞎聊会浪费你很多宝贵的时间。
There’s nothing wrong with “chatting on the phone,” as long as it doesn’t conflict with your other priorities. It’s important to preserve the times when you are most productive, and dedicate those hours to producing your best results uninterrupted.只要不影响到你正在做的要紧事,打电话聊天并没有什么问题。重要的是,要在你工作最高效、状态最好的时间里排除干扰,做真正要紧的事。
Time Waster #3: Watching the News时间杀手三:看新闻
How many people spend hours a day watching the news, or reading about the news on the Internet? A lot. Why should you avoid watching the news?有多少人每天会花上几个小时看电视新闻、读报纸新闻或在网上浏览新闻?很多吧。那为什么要避免看新闻的习惯呢?
It steals your time from doing more important things; things that will actually enhance your life and make you feel good about yourself.因为看新闻偷走了你的时间,把原本可以用于做很多重要事情,做能改善生活,做让自己感觉更好的事情的时间给占用了。
The Solution解决办法
For some, watching the news (or surfing the web for the news) is just a daily habit. Try replacing that habit with reading a good book or a positive blog.Instead of taking in bad news, take in some positive news, because you are the summation of the information you take in.对于有些人来说,看新闻或者上网浏览新闻已经成了他们的日常习惯了。那就把这个习惯改成读一本好书或者去关注一个传导积极内容的博客。与其去看那些负面新闻,不如多看些积极的消息,因为你每天接收到的信息,对你自己也会产生影响。
不要浪费午休时间:午休时要做的14件事>>> |