1/6 :Summer Outfits Work
2/6 :1.Emmanuelle Chriqui
3/6 :2.Vanessa Kirby
4/6 :3.Kate Mara
5/6 :4.Olivia Palermo
6/6 :5.Diane Kruger
Summer Outfits Work
Summer Outfits Work_408559.jpg
Summer Outfits Work_4085_s59.jpg
1.Emmanuelle Chriqui_4085_s59.jpg
2.Vanessa Kirby_4085_s59.jpg
3.Kate Mara_4085_s59.jpg
4.Olivia Palermo_4085_s59.jpg
5.Diane Kruger_4085_s59.jpg
Every office has its dress code — official or implied — and some are stricter than others. And Summer is the season when the line must be toed most carefully. Think you have to ditch floral pants and bright heels in the name of office culture? Think again, friends. There are several ways to bring Summer's hottest trends to the office, and a handful of our favorite celebs have proven how. Click on to see how to be both work- and happy-hour-ready in no time.每个办公室都有一套着装规则——不论是明文规定的还是约定俗成的——只是有些严有些松。到了夏天尤其需要谨慎地选择穿着以免触犯底线。你想要以办公室文化的名义穿上花裤子和闪亮的高跟鞋吗?三思而后行吧,朋友。有一些巧妙的方法可以帮助你在办公室里穿上夏天最流行的衣服,很多名人都亲身证明了这一点。点击下一页看看怎样穿着才能工作时髦两不误吧。 |