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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-8-10 08:17:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Hello! My name is Jacqueline and I am working as HR manager for a not-for-profit organisation and this organisation has a focus on education and arts.
        1 Q:能否告诉我们哪位应聘者给您留下深刻的印象?为什么?
        I just had an interview yesterday morning. It's a candidate, Malaysian Chinese, male, and I was really impressed by him. He interviewed for an audit position and he was very sincere. He was very open about his motivation about his goals in life with his career. And he had a very down-to-earth approach which really always impresses me.
        2 Q: 您能否给我们举一个应聘者搞砸了面试的例子?他应该怎么做?
        Yes, that happens, obviously also as well that some candidates don't always perform very well. Maybe in general I can say that candidates who come in and they do not know exactly what job they are applying for. So that they err they haven't done the background checking on the organisation they want to work with so they haven't bothered to check the website of the company or read some additional material. So that's not something that I'm impressed them with. So we've this... for example... come in err... "so what is the... the job description look like", "what does your company do"... unfortunately those things happen all too often. And when we advertise we always put the job... a copy of the job description and also the link to our company... err with the job adverts. So I expect a candidate, who has been shortlisted... hasn't been invited to an interview so they obviously have time to be invited to the actual interview, to prepare themselves.
        3 Q: 除了前面提到的,你最看重应聘者所展现出来的什么部分?
        I am looking for someone who is... except of having the skill, the educational background that is necessary and the professional experience that is necessary for a particular post... I look for someone who is a team player, for someone who is really determined, for someone who is motivated, and someone who is honest, honest and solid err.. personality. And err... someone who is open, who manages to express him or herself well.
        4 Q: 在面试中有哪些忌讳?
        I think it is... there're different areas. One thing is the appearance. The other thing is your posture. And then the third area is what you say.
        If we start with the appearance... I think it's always good not to dress up too much...err... not to put on too much colour on err... or makeup because this distracts from actually the person so I think that's not a very good thing to do to sort of dress up too much.

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