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发表于 2016-8-10 08:17:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        The trouble with letting even a well-founded worry get the best of you is that it can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy: Lose enough sleep and suffer enough sweaty palms over time, and you'll start making mistakes that could lead to the very outcome you're dreading. Before things get that far, try these four steps:就算理由很充分,但是如果让焦虑在你心中占据上风,它也会产生问题,臆想会渐渐变成现实:睡眠不足,掌心冒汗,开始犯错,最后你一直担心的事情可能就会发生。如果你想避免这些事情,试试下面四个步骤:
        1. Articulate exactly what you fear. What you resist persists, so stop resisting. What are you afraid of? Write it down. Say it out loud. Sounds simple, but often just naming a fear makes it easier to deal with, because putting words to it gives it a shape -- turning an amorphous black cloud of worry into a specific problem (e.g., what happens if you lose this job?) so you can take practical action.1.认清你到底在焦虑什么。你越是抗拒,它就越持久,所以不要抗拒。你在担心什么?把它写下来,然后大声说出来。这听起来非常简单,但现实往往是如果你能把焦虑描述出来,那么再去处理这些事情就会简单得多,因为语言的形容将使焦虑更具体了。所以试着把不确定的焦虑乌云转化为具体的问题(比如,如果你失业,会发生什么?)这样你就能采取实际的行动。
        2. Make a Plan B. Have a backup plan for what you'll do if you do get laid off again. Keep up your networking, and look around for stable or growing companies, or even other parts of your current company where there might be opportunities for you. You may never need your Plan B, but just knowing it's there could go a long way toward stemming anxiety.2.制定后备方案。制定你被裁员后的后备方案:拓展人脉,寻找稳定或正在成长的公司,甚至是目前公司的其他部门也会给你带来机会。你有可能永远都用不到你的后备方案,但知道你有一个这样的计划有利于抑制焦虑。
        3. Take good care of your health. Exercise often helps. Anxiety comes from your head, but it affects your whole body. So get out of your head as much as possible. Stand up and move. It is recommended to do some stress relievers like meditation -- even just for 15 minutes on the train -- and spending more time with friends and family. Connecting with people who care about you is calming.3.保持身体健康。多锻炼能帮助克服焦虑。焦虑来自你的心中,但它却会影响你整个身体。所以尽可能让它远离你的内心。站起来运动运动吧。做一些有利于缓解压力的冥想也是很有用的——即使只是在列车上闭目养神15分钟也好——同时花更多的时间和家人朋友在一起。和关心你的人在一起会让你冷静下来。
        4. Start right now. If you wait to be fear-free before tackling the foregoing, you will be waiting for a long time. Now is the moment to decide what control your fear will have over you -- whether it will paralyze you or motivate you. Deciding is important, because it's the step where you take your power back.4.立即行动。如果你不采取行动,只是等待恐惧自行消失,那你可能需要等上很长一段时间。控制自己的恐惧会对你造成什么影响?是会令你萎靡不振还是使你一鼓作气?现在就是决定的时候。决定非常重要,只有做出决定,你才能找回力量。

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