'Accomplishments' to Leave off Your Resume
In today's competitive job market, you need to show hiring managers that you can make an immediate contribution to a new employer. Including your biggest professional successes in the "Accomplishments" section of your resume is an effective way to do just that.
But keep in mind that any achievement you cite should be truly noteworthy, relevant to your current career goals and relatively recent. Far too often, job seekers miss the mark. For instance, you're unlikely to impress prospective employers by highlighting the fact that you were a finalist in a local pageant held in 1982 -- as one real-life job candidate did.
Following are more examples from resumes collected by Robert Half International that feature "accomplishments" that aren't worth mentioning in your resume, as well as advice for crafting statements that will catch a hiring manager's attention:
以下是由Robert Half International从简历中挑出来的一些实例,里面包含的一些“成就”是不应该在你的简历中出现的,并有相应的修改意见,让你的简历可以抓住招聘经理的眼球。
The Unquantifiable Accomplishment
1) "I am the most talented employee my company has ever had." 我是我们公司迄今为止最有才华的员工。
2) "I am the best and most awesome employee in New York City." 我是纽约市最棒的员工。
3) "My last client called me a god." 我的上个客户称我为神。
Whenever possible, quantify your achievements by noting how you helped previous employers increase revenue, cut expenses, or improve productivity. (Example: "Increased territory sales by 150 percent within one year of being named district sales director.") Boldly heralding vague, unverifiable accomplishments is less compelling and often comes across as arrogant.
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