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发表于 2016-8-10 08:17:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A job interview is your opportunity to make a great first impression on your potential employer. Dressing for success is a big part of the interview process.面试是给潜在雇主留下良好第一印象的机会,着装大方得体自然就能为面试锦上添花。
        If you're wondering what to wear to an interview, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you must look professional and polished. While your interview attire depends on what job you're applying for, no matter what the position, you should come in looking neat, tidy, and well-dressed.如果你还在考虑该穿什么衣服去参加面试,那么你必需谨记的就是要让自己看起来专业且优雅。当然着装要根据申请的职位而选择,但无论你面试的是什么职业,都应该让自己看起来整洁得体。
        If you're a woman who needs some inspiration for your interview attire, browse through this gallery to get an idea of what to wear to an interview. First up: classic black dress pants and a sweater.如果你是一名需要衣着指导的职场女性,那么就参考下面这些着装提示吧。首先,你可以选择传统的黑色西裤和外套。
        Sweater and Black Dress Pants毛衣与黑色西裤



        A pair of classic black slacks are an essential part of a woman's interview wardrobe. It's worth it to invest in a pair of quality black dress pants that fit well and will hold up after many wears.每个职场女性的衣柜里都应该有一条黑色的西装裤子。花点心思和金钱在有质量的黑色西裤上,既舒适又百搭。
        Once you have a good pair of dress pants, it's easy to dress them up, or dress them down. You can pair your dress pants with a button down or blazer for a formal look, or with a sweater for a business casual look.当你拥有一条有质量的西装裤子,你既可以搭配华丽的上衣,也可以搭配普通的外套。搭配衬衫显示你的专业正式,搭配运动衫则是商务休闲风格。
        With a bit of creativity, black dress pants don't have to be boring. Add a top with an interesting detail, like this heather-gray sweater with the wrap detail on the hem. It softens the look, and makes it a bit special.还可以多点创造力,让黑裤子看起来并不平庸。穿一件带有特别细节设计的上衣,比如杂灰色的带着小缠绕边沿的毛衣,既不会死板乏味,还让你看起来特别。
        Peep-toe heels with a moderate heel height, like the ones here, are fashion-forward but still tasteful. If you're looking to dress down your look, add a pair of ballet flats or loafers instead of heels.中跟的鱼嘴鞋,就像图中的,有前卫的感觉但依然有品味。如果你想让自己看起来并不突兀,那就穿平底鞋吧。
        Experimenting with Button Downs试试领口衬衫



        Guess what? Button downs don't have to be boring! And you don't have to limit yourself to the basic white, blue, or pink button-down shirt.你知道吗?衬衫也可以很出彩!你大可不必把选择局限在传统的白色,蓝色或粉色的衬衫。
        You can experiment with fabrics, like the sheer silk chiffon here, which works great when layered over a black camisole. Try being creative with color, too. This shirt's camel color works well, as it's more interesting than the usual colors but still tasteful and professional.你可以选择不同纤维材质的,比如全真丝雪纺,里面搭配一件黑色的小背心,层次感马上就出来了!颜色方面也可以多加创意。图中的驼色也很棒,比常规的颜色更有趣,而又不失沉稳专业。
        When you're shopping for a button down, just remember that the neckline should be modest. Make sure your bra is covered, and avoid showing cleavage. It's also a good idea to keep your button down tucked in, unless it's a style that is designed to be worn without tucking in.在选购领口衬衫的时候,请记住领口设计要端庄。确保内衣和身体不暴露。把衬衫的下摆折入裤子里也很不错,除非有些衬衫的设计并没有过长的下摆。
        A Navy Blue Blazer and Khaki Skirt藏青西装与卡其短裙



        This is a great business casual interview outfit compromised of three pieces that are simple, but extremely versatile.这是把三件简单的单品搭配起来的最亮眼的面试套装,无论参加什么面试都可以穿。
        A navy blue blazer is a great addition to your interview wardrobe. Not only can you wear a blazer on numerous occasions, but it works well with many different outfits - over a button down, with a blouse, and even with a dress, for example.藏青色的西装外套绝对为你的面试增色不少。你不仅可以在不同场合穿着,还可以跟不同的单品搭配——领口衬衫,上衣,甚至是裙子都可以。
        Of course, a navy blue blazer looks great paired with a simple white button down.当然,搭配一件简单的白衬衫就像一件套装了。
        It's a staple combination that you can wear with khaki pants, a khaki skirt, and even dark-wash jeans in a casual situation or to a start-up causal interview.最常见的是搭配卡其色的裤子,裙子,甚至是黑色牛仔裤,参加相对轻松的活动或面试。
        The knee-length khaki skirt rounds out the outfit. A khaki skirt is a good addition to your working wardrobe because it can be worn with many different tops. Like the blazer, it can also be dressed up or dressed down depending on the occasion.及膝的卡其短裙就是最佳搭配了。卡其短裙也能为面试添彩因为它很百搭。比如西装,都可以根据场合的需要搭配不同的单品让面试者看起来正式或休闲。
        Statement Dresses连衣套裙



        Although it's important that your interview attire be professional and conservative, that doesn't mean you can't experiment with color. A tasteful dress in an interesting color, such as a muted turquoise or deep red, is a good addition to your interview wardrobe.尽管面试场合要让自己看起来专业保守,但也不代表你不能换种颜色。优雅的裙装着色特别,如柔和的青绿色或深红色,也可在面试官眼前一亮。
        With a statement dress like the ones here, you don't need to bother with adding jewelry or other accessories - the dress speaks for itself.就像图中的套裙,你不必额外搭配珠宝或其他配饰,因为裙子就有它自己的风格。
        When working with bright colors, though, make sure the rest of the dress is modest.如果裙子的颜色属于亮色系,那其余的部分就要保持中性色系。
        It's always important to make sure that both the neckline and hemline are appropriate: avoid short dresses and low-cut, revealing necklines. With a bright-colored dress, it is more important than ever that the piece covers you appropriately.最重要的是,一定要保证领口和下摆边沿的设计恰当:不要穿短裙或低胸装,这样就过于暴露了。穿着亮色系的裙子,永远都要注意裙子下内搭的颜色要适合。
        All you need to round off a dress like this is a pair of black heels, or black ballet flats.裙装的最佳搭配就要一双黑色的高跟鞋或平底鞋。
        A Button Down and V-Neck Sweater衬衫与V领毛衣



        Pair a button-down top with a v-neck sweater for a versatile look. You can dress the top up with black dress pants or a skirt, or dress it down with khakis or dark-wash jeans if you're interviewing at a start-up company.衬衫与V领毛衣绝对是百搭的选择。想穿得特别,穿黑色西装裤或短裙,想穿得保守,就穿卡其色或深黑色的牛仔裤吧。
        What's great about this combination is that it's easy to create a variety of looks, with only a few pieces. If you invest in three button downs and three sweaters that all coordinate with each other, you'll have nine different tops that you can mix and match with different bottoms.这种搭配的好处在于,可以让你形象百变,而且只需一两件衣服就可以办到。如果你多入手几件可以互搭不同颜色的衬衫和毛衣,那么那就有很多种搭配方式了。
        Print Cardigans开襟羊毛衫



        Don't be afraid of bold prints. Although you should avoid anything too bright or flashy (animal prints, for example, usually aren't interview-appropriate, unless they are extremely subtle), a two-tone black-and-white print, like the sweater here, can spice up an otherwise-boring outfit while still looking professional.千万别惧怕黑色字母。尽管你尽量避免所有太哗众取宠的元素(比如动物图案,通常都不适合在面试的时候穿着,除非这些图案很小),黑白两种颜色的印刷,就像图中的毛衣,都可以让死板的着装瞬间活泼起来,也不失专业的态度。
        If you're going to wear a bold print, limit it to one print only and keep the rest of the outfit simple and subdued.如果你打算穿一件黑色图案的毛衣,那就把图案的类型限于一种,其他的配件越简单越低调越好。
        A Black Dress and Tights小黑裙



        A tasteful "little black dress" is the hallmark of a simple yet refined business wardrobe. Invest in a quality dress that skims the knee. A dress with a structured fit and nice details (like the capped sleeves here) is professional yet still modern.一条美观的“小黑裙”简约而不简单,是衣柜的必备衣物。质量非凡、长度过膝的小黑裙你值得拥有。线条分明的设计与特别的小细节(如图中的盖袖),既专业又时尚。
        To give your outfit some life, pair the dress with an pair of textured tights, like the ones shown here. Make sure the pattern is subtle, though - a sheer stripe, cable pattern, or ribbed look adds texture and interest, but anything that resembles outright fishnets is not work-place appropriate.给自己的装备增加点生命力吧,搭配一双纹理紧身裤,就像图中所示一样。注意风格要低调,尽管全条纹或格子,丝带图案可以增加质感,但这些与渔网相似的图案都不适合在工作场合穿着。
        Finish your outfit with a pair of black heels for a classic, timeless business formal look.搭配一双经典的黑色高跟鞋,是永不过时的商务正装。
        A Wrap Blouse and Tweed Skirt束腰衬衣和花呢裙



        A wrap blouse like the one shown here makes for an elegant look, which can be completed with either a skirt or slacks. Add a skinny waist belt for a touch of detail that really makes the top pop.图中的束腰衬衣让人看起来优雅大方,既可搭配短裙也可搭配长裤。腰间增添一条窄细的腰带的确能让上身线条突出。
        A skirt made of an interesting fabric - such as the tweed seen on this skirt - is a great way to make a business look your own.特别面料制成的裙子,如图中的花呢料子,是一套很好的商务着装。
        A Khaki Blazer and Navy Blue Skirt卡其西装与藏青短裙



        A menswear-inspired khaki blazer is an extremely versatile piece to have in your wardrobe. Wear it over a button down or blouse. It looks great with dark-wash jeans for a startup casual interview, or navy blue bottoms for a dressier look.男装款的卡其西装也绝对是百搭的面试衣着单品。里面配一件衬衫。参加创业公司的面试可以穿一条黑色的牛仔裤或藏青色裤子看起来更精神。
        The button down here might be a basic top, but the white collar really makes the look pop. With a shirt that has an interesting collar detail, you can button it up to the top, eliminating the need for a necklace.保守的衬衫建议选择基本款,不过白色领子确实会看起来很出彩。如果穿一件有特别领口设计的衬衫,你就可以把焦点转移到上半身,也不需要佩戴项链。
        Another option for a unique collar detail is a rounded "peter pan" collar.另一种独特的领口设计就是圆领。
        Finally, a navy blue skirt is a stylish alternative to the traditional black pencil skirt. It's a bit more easygoing than the typical black skirt, but it's still professional, creating a look that is relaxed and also refined.总的来说,藏青色的短裙是极具风格的选择,可以替换传统的黑色铅笔裙。穿起来行走也很方便,又不俗套,让你看起来既轻松又高雅。



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