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发表于 2016-8-10 08:16:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Apparently about half of employees say they ‘hate their boss’. But as I said the shoe could just as easily be on the other foot. If you don’t like your boss – maybe they don’t like you either.很显然接近半数的职员都说他们“讨厌自己的老板”。但我说过,人同此心,心同此理,假如你不喜欢你的老板,那么老板或许也不怎么喜欢你。
        Dr Susan Nicholson: Organisational psychologist and partner at Mentors Psychology has researched the ten things a boss hates about employees:苏珊·尼克尔斯博士是组织心理学家,她研究出了老板对于员工最讨厌的10件事:
        1. You’re unreliable1.你不靠谱
        Missing deadlines, saying one thing doing another and has an excuse for everything – bosses hate that. They just want you to get the job done and on time.错过期限、说一套做一套、做错什么事儿都有借口——老板讨厌这些东西。他们只是希望你能把事情做好,而且准时。
        2. You won’t fess up to mistakes2.死不认错
        Blaming the other person or trying to cover mistakes up, instead of just owning up to it and working out how to fix it. This shows that someone is weak of character if they don’t take responsibility. Which ultimately is the ‘number one career killer’.指责别人或者试图掩盖错误,而不是勇敢地承担并努力解决问题。某人如果不敢承担责任就显露了他软弱的性格。这最终会成为扼杀你职业生涯的“罪魁祸首”。
        3. You gossip too much3.太八卦
        On Facebook, Instant Messenger or at the coffee machine – it doesn’t matter how. Talking about people behind their back, stirring up trouble or undermining what the boss is setting out to achieve.在Facebook上、即时聊天软件上又或是在咖啡机旁——不管在哪儿。在别人背后说闲话、搬弄是非又或是动摇军心。
        4. Nothing’s ever good enough for you4.看什么都不顺眼
        I call this one the black hat! They are going to rain on anyone’s parade just because they can. The employee who constantly gripes, points out that new ideas are destined to fail or sits in meetings scowling and smirking. Negativity is like a cancer – spreading and rotting what the positive people are achieving. 我把这种人称为黑帽子!他们时刻准备着给每个人泼凉水。这种员工成天抱怨、总是说某个新点子注定会失败、开会的时候坐在那儿愁眉不展,还时不时地冷笑。消极得有如癌症病毒——到处蔓延、并且腐坏那些积极的人们所取得的东西。
        5. You hate change5.顽固不化
        How can you be a fast growth business – growing organically – without constantly challenging the status quo and doing things differently.  I could not imagine what it would be like to work with people who love to grumble, and criticize new ideas and processes.如果你不会经常挑战现状、改变做事方式,你如何能够成为一家快速发展、有机成长的企业呢?我无法想象要怎么样和那些整天抱怨和批评新想法和新流程的人共事。
        6. You dress6.你的穿着
        A very sensitive subject. Very tricky to deal with. Talking about dress and appearance is really really hard for a boss – and quite frankly they should not have to. Remember dress (tribal wear) for your next promotion. If you want to be a marketing manager – dress like one – don’t dress like a uni student.一个相当敏感的话题,也是非常难以处理的问题。对于老板而言,谈论有关穿着打扮的话题真的非常困难——坦白地说也是他们不应该谈的东西。记得在下一次升职的时候穿得正式些,你要是想成为一个市场部经理,就穿得像个市场部经理,而不是穿得像个大学生。
        7. You’re always late7.总是迟到
        Tardiness, sick days or long lunches add up, and bosses notice – especially if you then lie about it. Don’t think your boss doesn’t notice if you are constantly cutting corners. Bosses don’t like people who appear to be doing the bare minimum. They want people who are not only productive but are coming up with ideas on how to do things better. If people are late to work, late to meetings, late back from lunch – it shows bosses that something else is way more important than their job.迟到、病假、午餐时间过长,这些都会叠加,而老板也会注意到的,尤其是当你为此说谎的时候。当你在投机取巧的时候,别以为老板不知道。老板不会喜欢那些总是爱偷懒敷衍的人,他们希望员工不但效率高,还能想出新点子把工作做得更好。假如员工工作迟到、开会迟到、午餐回来迟到——这会向老板表明有些别的事情比他们的工作更重要。
        8. You’re over-eager8.太急功近利
        The worst one of these is when the boss is copied in on every email that the employee writes. In the end this makes more work for the manager. The job of the employee is not to add to work load of the boss.最糟糕的情况发生在当员工的每条邮件都要抄送给老板的时候,最终会使得管理者的工作量加大。员工的职责不应该是给老板增加工作负担。
        9. You run your personal life from your desk9.把私生活带入工作
        Stealing time is as bad as stealing from the stationery cupboard. You might think it is only an hour here or there on eBay, Flickr and Youtube – but it really makes your co workers mad. Realising that your time is a scarce resource that you apply to the greater cause of your work place will give a whole new meaning to productivity.偷时间和从文具柜里偷东西是一样糟糕的。你可能会觉得我只是在eBay、Flickr和Youtube上花了一个钟头而已——但那真的会让你的同事发疯的。你要意识到你的时间非常短缺,你如果花在更有意义的工作上,对于工作效率会有相当大的提升。
        10. You’re a bully10.欺善凌弱
        I have been bullied by an employee some years ago… and it is really very distressing. Officially business need to have an anti discrimination policy, but it is astounding to learn that more than a quarter of workers saying they have been bullied at work, and more than half say they have witnessed bullying in the workplace.我在多年前被一位同事欺负过……那真的很痛苦。正式的公司都必须有一套反歧视政策,令人震惊的是有1/4的职员都声称在工作中遭到过欺负、而多于半数的人声称目睹过职场上欺负弱小的行为。
        Bullying includes needless swearing in the office, making threats…bosses want happy peaceful teams, not dominating or passive aggressive ones欺负包括了在办公室里无理由的咒骂、制造威胁……老板想要愉快平和的团队,而不是专横的或是消极抵抗型的团队。
        Next time you complain about your boss – spare a moment to think ‘I wonder what I’m doing to bother them?’. What goes around come around, and people who are liked are the one’s who get the promotions.下次你抱怨老板的时候、花1分钟想想“我做了什么才冒犯到他了?”善有善报,那些讨人喜欢的人肯定能获得晋升。

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