Make Your Boss Love You When You've Finished a Project获得青睐时机一:完成任务后
Let him know you're thinking about the future. Either ask him, "So, what's next?" or let him know you'll be needing some time to get things together before he approaches you with the next project. Something like, "I'm getting ready for the next project. Could we talk about it in an hour/this afternoon/tomorrow/next week after I tie up some loose ends? I've been focusing on getting this done but want to make sure I haven't let anything fall through the cracks." Both approaches let him know that you're focused on what is best for the company, and the second also makes you look responsible while also taking a short break.让他知道你在考虑未来的事情。你可以这样问他:“下一个任务是什么?”或者让他知道,他交给你下一个任务之前,你需要一些时间把事情整理好。你可以这样说:“我已经准备好接受下一个任务了。我们可不可以一个小时之后/今天下午/明天/下周接着谈呢?我需要一些时间做收尾工作。我一直集中精神在这件事情上,希望确保有失误。”以上两种方法都可以让他知道,你在意公司的利益;第二种方法还可以让他知道你很负责,同时也为自己争取到了一小段的休息时间。
Make Your Boss Love You When She's Pointing Out Little Mistakes获得青睐时机二:指出失误时
Remember that pointing out your small mistakes is part of her job, and it may be as distasteful to her as it is to you. If the criticism is particularly difficult for you to hear, remember to breathe before you say anything. A deep breath or so, when done surrepitiously, can give you the strength to respond calmly. Then, if it's appropriate, defend yourself. If her criticism is just, nod as she speaks. Tell her, "Thank you for showing me how you would prefer this to be done/how this should be done/whatever." If she persists, or is talking to you about something for the Nth time, say, "This seems to be something that you want me to work on/I should work on. Are there any resources available to help me improve?" 记住,她给你指出失误是她的工作。也许她和你一样都不喜欢这样。如果批评的话实在难以接受,那么,你在回答之前记得深吸一口气。偷偷做一下深吸气可以让你更冷静地应对她的批评。接下来,如果有充分的理由,就为自己辩护。如果她的批评中肯,她一边批评,你要点头表示赞同。然后,对她说:“谢谢您给我提出指导意见/告诉我要怎么做这件事。”如果她还要继续,或者不断重复一件事情,你可以说:“您似乎希望我可以/应该这样完成。有什么方法可以让我改进吗?”
Make Your Boss Love You When You're Swamped and He Wants You to Do More获得青睐时机三:已经负荷工作,但上司还希望你再多做时
Be honest about what you can do. Most supervisors appreciate hearing when their people are overworked and stressed. If he likes up front, honest people, say, "You know, I'd be happy to take that on, but realistically I won't be able to get to it until I finish with X, Y, and Z. Will that work for you" He may take it to someone else, or he may give it to you, but either way he knows what he's looking at. 对于自己的能力范围要诚实面对。大多数上司都喜欢听到下属超工作量工作,充满压力。如果他喜欢坦率的员工,则可以这样说:“您知道,我很希望可以接下这份工作,但实际上,我需要先完成任务1、2、3,才能做这份工作。希望您不要介意。”他会把这项工作交给其他人来做,也许,他还是会把这项任务交给你,但是不管怎么样,他知道自己在做什么。
Make Your Boss Love You When You've Made a Big Mistake获得青睐时机四:犯严重错误时
If you can't fix it before she would find out, be the first to let her know. Swallow the butterflies and make your weak knees walk to her office (or write that email). Most of the time she's going to find out anyway, so you're only prolonging the agony and creating a ton of anxiety for yourself if you don't tell her. Your poise and honesty will also make an impression, even if she's upset and there are consequences. At the very least, she'll have a positive sense of your integrity for any future recommendations. And you might save your job.如果在她发现之前你没办法弥补错误,那就让她第一个知道。收起自己的不安,去她的办公室(或者写封邮件),态度要谦逊。大多数情况下,她都会发现的,所以如果你不告诉她,只不过是在拖延她愤怒的时间,也使自己极度不安。虽然她难免生气,甚至你会受到一些惩罚,但是诚实的态度也会给她留下印象。至少以后推荐你的时候,你的正直已经留下了好印象。而且,你也可以保住自己的工作。
Make Your Boss Love You When You're Interviewing For a New Job获得青睐时机五:面试新工作时
In a few companies, interviewing for a new job is considered tantamount to treason. If you work for one of those companies, keep your search under the table, but don't lie if you're asked directly. You might be asked to leave, but they won't be able to fault your integrity in a recommendation. But if you work for most companies (or, at least, most of the ones I've experienced/heard about), just be honest. If you're valuable where you are, you would be surprised how many times your boss will do all she can to get you a counter-offer.少数公司认为在职员工面试其他工作等于叛变。如果你在这样的公司工作的话,就要偷偷地进行面试,但是如果被直接问到的时候,也不要撒谎。你可能会被要求离职,但是他们却不能在推荐信上质疑你的诚信。大多数公司(或者至少是我工作过的/听说过的公司)并没有这方面要求,你只需实话实说就可以了。如果对公司很重要,你会惊奇地发现,老板会多次向你提出新的报价。 |