So, you just finished what you thought was a great project at work, and now your boss is listing all the things you need to improve upon. Don't get discouraged; constructive criticism is a key part of any job. Through this article, learn how to accept criticism and do your jobs well.恩,你刚刚完成了自己认为完成得非常完美的任务,而如今你的老板却给你列出了有待改进的地方。这时候,千万别感到沮丧,因为建设性的批评是任何一份职业非常重要的一环。仔细阅读本文,学习如何接受工作上的批评以及更好地完成自己的任务吧。
1.Accept that you are not perfect. 1.接受自己的不完美。
If you begin each task thinking that nothing will go wrong, you're fooling yourself. You will make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them.如果你在着手每一件任务前都认为一切都能有条不紊地进行,实际上你在欺骗自己。因为你还是会犯错误的。关键在于你要学会从这些错误中获取经验。
2.Double check your work. 2.仔细检查你的工作。
After you've finished, and before you submit it to your supervisor, be sure you've gone over everything carefully. This can help you to avoid silly mistakes and ensure that your boss won't have to bother you about minor problems.当你完成了任务,在提交给主管之前必须确保你已经仔仔细细地复查了任何细节。这样做能够帮助你避免一些不该犯的错误,还能保证老板不会在小问题上找你麻烦。
3.Don't take it personally. 3. 别认为这是针对你个人的。
If your co-worker has criticism for you, remind yourself that it doesn't necessarily mean she/he doesn't like you, or that you're not good enough for the job. Your co-worker is simply trying to ensure that you do the best work possible.如果你的同事批评了你,请记住这并不是意味对方并不喜欢你,也不是因为你没有足够能力胜任这份工作。你的同事只是想帮助你更好地完成任务而已。
4.Listen carefully. 4. 留心倾听。
If you ignore critical comments, you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Take notes and continually remind yourself how to fix the problem. This step is the most difficult, as it can mean that one must "suck up" one's pride and admit one's responsibility in one's work-related errors.如果你忽视那些批评的话语,那你就必然会再次犯下同样的错误。记下这些批评的要点并常常提醒自己如何处理这样的问题。这一步也是最困难的,因为这意味着你要把个人的自尊收起来并承认个人在这些工作方面的错误的责任。
5.Ask yourself what can you learn from this criticism.5. 问问自己从批评中学到了什么。
If you feel yourself growing defensive or getting angry, repeat the question 'What can I learn?'如果你发现自己变得越来越自我保护或越来越气愤,请不断问自己这个问题“我学到了什么?”
6.Agree with part of the criticism. 6. 同意一部分批评
When faced with criticism, most people focus on the part of the negative feedback that may not be true and ignore the rest. This doesn't solve any problems, and you don't learn anything. When you agree with one part of the criticism, you become open to learning. You don't have to agree with everything; even agreeing with one small aspect of the criticism will create an atmosphere of teamwork. The focus then can become how you'll work together to solve a problem, which will lessen your feeling of being attacked.每当面对他人的批评,大多数人总会关注在那些有可能不是真实的负面的反馈,然而却忽视了其他的因素。这样不能解决任何问题,并且你什么也学不到。当你同意这些批评的一部分,那么你就会乐意去学习。你不必全盘接纳,哪怕你只对非常细小的一个方面产生共鸣,这样也能营造良好的合作氛围。那么随后的关注点就在于你们如何一起合作把问题解决了,这样会大大缓解那种被攻击的不良感觉。
7.Analyze and evaluate what you've heard. 7. 分析并衡量自己所听取的内容。
You need time to process the information, determine if it's a valid criticism and decide what you'll do to solve the problem or correct the mistake. If this is a complaint you've heard repeatedly, you should think about what you can learn from the situation so it doesn't happen again.你需要花时间分析处理这些信息,并确定这是不是一个有效的批评,然后决定你接下来该做什么事情去解决这个问题或改正错误。如果这是一个你早已听过多遍的抱怨,你该思考一下,你从这样的情况中能够学到什么以此不让它再次出现。
8.Don't hold a grudge. 8. 别怀恨在心。
Staying angry/upset about criticism can affect your future work. Put the mistakes out of your mind and focus on doing the best job possible on the next task.不接受批评,常常以愤怒或沮丧的态度对待,都会影响你未来的工作表现。相反,你应该把这些抛诸脑后,并全神贯注于以最佳状态完成接下来的任务。
9.Remember, anything that happens is for a reason. 9. 请记住,事出必有因。
If a certain co-worker isn't being very warm to you, or your boss just named a suck-up the employee of the month, then this usually means that it's a good thing, because something much better will be in store for you. No good acts of hard work or patience go unrewarded.如果某一位同事对你态度不太友好,或老板只是点名一位喜欢拍马屁的员工,那么这常常意味着是一件好事,因为更好的东西正等着你。有付出总是会有回报的。
10.Clear the air. 10. 消除隔阂。
If you're upset with how your co-worker criticized you, let him or her know as soon as possible, so there are no lingering bad feelings between the two of you. Explain why it upset you, and suggest changes that could be made to strengthen your relationship.如果你还为同事对你的批评而感到心烦意乱,那么尽快让对方知道你的感受吧,这样你们之间才不会留下小疙瘩。跟对方解释为什么这件事使你心烦,并为改善你们之间的关系提出一些改进方法。
11.Accept the fact that others may see something that you don't. 11. 接受他人看到一些你看不到的事实。
Even if you don't agree with the criticism, others may be seeing something that you are not even aware of. If they say that you are negative or overbearing, and you don't feel that you are, well; maybe you are and you just don't see it. Allow for the fact that others may be right, and use that possibility to look within yourself.虽然你不同意他人的批评,但是其他人有可能发现一些你从没意识到的情况。如果他们说你很负面或傲慢,而你自己却不这么认为,好吧;很有可能你有这样的特质而且只是你自己没发现而已。体谅他人所说的有可能是真的,并利用这个机会好好反省自己。
12. Be happy whatever the criticism and do not let the criticism bring you down.12. 无论他人的批评是什么,都应该快乐地面对,别被它打倒了。
Whatever you do make sure that it is the best from your side. People who have difficulty accepting criticism are less likely to succeed in their profession.无论通过什么方法,确保那都是自己最佳的表现。难以接受批评的人们都不太可能取得事业上的成就。
Always give yourself sometime to think before responding, will save you loads of problems later.回应批评前,总要给自己一些时间思考,这样就能为你以后卸下大量的负担
If the opportunity arises, discuss the criticism with someone you trust to give you an objective view; in this way you can see if the criticism is reasonable or just someone using his status to assert his authority over others.如果有更多的机会,与你相信的朋友讨论这个批评,请对方给你一个客观的评价;通过这个方法你能够分析出批评是否有道理,还是这只是某人利用自己的地位向他人施压。
Often coworkers find your mistakes because they want to make a mark of their own. It is a good hack to leave one obvious mistake that is easy to solve; your boss and coworkers can see it and tell you about (and feel they've contributed). Once they found that, their hunger to find mistakes will be satisfied.通常你的同事们发现你的错误因为他们想给自己做个标记。这是一个很好的突破口让他人很容易发现你留下的容易解决的问题;你的老板和同事能够发现这个问题并跟你反映(然后他们就感到自己有所贡献)。一旦他们发现错误,他们迫切寻找错误的欲望就得到了满足。
Remember, your co-worker is not doing this because he or she does not like you and/or your work. They are doing this because they want you to improve your work.请谨记,你的同事并不是因为他/他不喜欢你或你的工作才批评你。而是因为他们想让你完善你的工作。
Always remember that it is your work being criticized, not you. For example, if your co-worker is criticizing a letter you wrote, forget that you ever wrote it. Pretend that someone else did, and your co-worker is merely asking you to revise it for them.还要谨记,被批评的是你的工作,而不是你本人。比如说,如果你的同事认为你的信件很差,那就忘了你曾经写过这么一封信吧。假装是别人写的,而你的同事只是想提醒你修改它而已。
If you feel you're being picked on unfairly, keep a diary of encounters and copies of any critical e-mails or letters.如果你感觉到自己受到了不公平的挑剔,那就把你所遇到的事情记录下来并保存所有批评的信件。
If you feel any written criticism is unjustified, respond to it in the same medium, answering any points made with which you disagree. Written matter is generally kept on file and if you have failed to respond, the record will only show one (the manager's) point of view.如果你感觉书面的批评并不中肯,那就以同样的媒介给予反馈,对你所不同意的要点一一回应。书面文件一般以档案形式保存,如果你忘记反馈自己的看法了,记录里只会显示一个人(经理)的个人观点。
Don't try to get your own back, especially with your manager; he has the authority (usually backed up by his boss) to assert that authority to your disadvantage.别想着报复,尤其是你的经理;他有这样的权力(通常受到老板的支持)利用个人权力给你的纰漏施压。 |