Do you know someone who doesn’t trust their company, or maybe their boss? Maybe they have good reasons. Perhaps promises were broken, or the company was deceptive or unethical.你是否认识某些不相信公司或老板的人?也许他们有正当的理由,也许是因为同事失信于人,或者是因为他们所在的公司不正规不靠谱。
“Once bitten, twice shy,” is understandably a good explanation why some employees become skeptical. But the only way for a business relationship to work is if it’s based on a foundation of mutual trust.“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。”这就合理地解释了某些员工难以对公司产生信赖的原因了。然而建立和谐的合作关系的唯一途径,就是建立在双方相互信任的基础。
Here are five tips I have shared with colleagues and team members who find it difficult to trust others in the workplace.下面的5个小秘诀,笔者曾经分享给团队中难以对他人建立信任感的同事们。
1.Don’t allow bias to come into play.1. 别让偏见蒙蔽了自己。
Is your lack of trust for your current boss based on something a previous boss did? Leave undeserved negative thoughts behind and allow your new boss to earn your trust from a clean slate.你对现任老板的不信任,是因为前任老板做的一些事吗?把这些不应该出现的负面想法抛诸脑后吧,让你的新老板清清白白地获得你的信任。
2.Extend the first 'olive branch.'2. 伸出第一条“橄榄枝”
At the beginning of relationships, each person starts at ground zero when it comes to trust. Why not be the one to make the first move? All it takes is shedding your protective guard to move past the neutral stage.在任何关系的建立之初,每个人对他人建立信任的起点都是零。那么,何不跨出第一步呢?你只需要卸下防备,保持中立就可以了。
Evaluating how and when trust has been violated goes a long way to restoring it. Handling the issue in a professional, non-confrontational manner means hearing the other person’s story. Calmly listening to both sides often prevents a simple misunderstanding from becoming an intolerable situation.评估你的信任在何时以何种方式被侵犯了,这对你重拾信任很有好处。用一种专业、非对抗性的方式来处理,即倾听他人的心声。冷静地聆听双方的意见,常常能够防止一个简单的误会恶化到一个不可容忍的状况。
3.Don’t overreact to the situation.3. 别做出过激的反应。
If it’s the first time you’ve perceived a violation of trust, giving your co-worker the benefit of the doubt may be your best response. Isn’t this how you would like to be treated? If still in doubt, run it past someone outside of the company who can offer a fresh, unbiased perspective. It’s okay -- and sometimes smart -- to let certain issues blow over.如果这是你第一次感觉到信任被侵犯了,让你的同事知道做出质疑的好处,也许就是你的最佳回应。这不就是你希望被对待的方式吗?如果你还有疑惑,那就与公司以外的人谈论这件事情,并从对方身上得到一个崭新的,中肯的建议。这也是没有关系的——甚至有时候是很聪明的做法——就让事情过去吧。
4.Behave in a way that commands trust from your co-workers.4. 以一种要求信任的姿态与同事相处。
If you find that mistrust is a consistent theme throughout your career, you may very well be a contributor. A solution: Always be mindful of how others may perceive your words and actions.如果你发现在职业生涯中总是充斥着各种怀疑与不信任,或许问题就出在你自身。这里有一个解决方法:时刻留意其他人对你的言行的反应。 |