"Today’s workplace doesn’t tolerate slackers,” says Gen Y career expert Dan Schawbel in his new book "Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success." In a rapidly changing economy, young people either rise to the top or don’t survive.职场新人专家丹·斯柯伯尔在他的新书《提升自我:职场成功新准则》中写道:“如今的办公室无法容忍逃避工作的懒虫。”快速变迁的经济背景下,年轻人若不能爬上顶峰,便会葬身谷底。
To navigate the new workplace, Schawbel says millennials need to master a new set of rules that aren’t taught in school. Advances in technology, the rise of social media, and 24/7 connectivity mean young people have to promote themselves and take ownership of their careers in ways that previous generations wouldn’t or couldn’t have imagined.斯科伯尔称,为了掌控新的工作环境,千禧一代需要掌握一套他们在学校里从未学过的新规则。先进的科学技术、日渐崛起的社会媒体和一周7天每天24小时的不间断性,使得年轻人不得不以前一代人从未做过甚至想都没想过的方式提升自己、成为自己职业的主导。
The following is adapted from the introduction of “Promote Yourself.”下面几条摘自《提升自我》的序言。
1. Your job description is just the beginning. 你职位描述上的工作仅仅是个开始。
If you want to succeed in today’s workplace and make a name for yourself, you’ll have to do a lot more than what you got hired to do. In fact, your job description is just a scratch on the surface of what you should be doing. Always be on the lookout for new projects and collaborations with other groups, and do as much training and development as possible.如果你想让自己大名远扬、在现代职场成功,就必须做很多额外工作。实际上你职位描述上的工作同实际工作相比只是冰山一角。你应该时刻寻求新项目和与其他部门合作的机会,尽可能多地接受培训,提升自我。
2. Your job is temporary.你的工作都是临时的。
As the world changes, so does the workplace. Companies are acquiring or being acquired, merging with other companies, or crumbling. Your team could be eliminated, your position outsourced, or you might lose interest in your job altogether.世界时刻发展,职场也不停变化。许多公司主动或被动要求与其他公司兼并重组,否则就会破产倒闭。你的团队随时可能被解散,你的职位面临外包危险。你还可能会对工作完全丧失兴趣。
3. You’re going to need a lot of skills you probably don’t have right now.你还需要学会很多现在并未掌握的技能。
A recent Department of Education study shows that companies are having trouble finding and retaining the right talent. Soft (interpersonal) skills have become more important than hard (technical) skills. It’s never been easier to acquire hard skills — and those skills will only get you so far. Companies are looking for leadership, organizational, teamwork, listening, and coaching skills.最近教育部研究显示,公司企业很难找到合适人才并留住他们。软技能(交际能力)要比硬技能(技术能力)更受重视。虽然获得硬技能也很不容易,但这些技能无法创造更多价值。而企业则更看重领导力、组织力、团队合作力、倾听及指导能力。
4. Your reputation is the single greatest asset you have.一个好名声是你所拥有的最大财富。
Titles might be good for your ego, but in the grand scheme of things what really matters is what you're known for, the projects you’re part of, how much people trust you, whom you know, who knows about you, and the aura you give off to people around you. 职位头衔可能会让你感觉良好,但从更高层面上来讲,真正使你出名的原因是你曾参加过哪些工作项目、有多少人信任你、你都认识谁、谁又认识你,以及你对周围人的影响如何。
Sure, what you do is important. But what others think you do can be just as important if not more so. If you build a strong reputation, the money and opportunities will find you.当然你的头衔也很重要,但是当别人谈到头衔时,他们会认为你只是在那个职位上而已。但是倘若你有一个好名声,金钱和机遇就会不请自来。
5. Your personal life is now public.你的私人生活现在都已公众化。
The 15 seconds it takes you to tweet about how much you hate your boss or to post a pic of you passed out with a drink in your hand could ruin your career forever. Even the littlest things — how you behave, dress, your online presence, body language, and whom you associate with can help build your brand or tear it to the ground.花十五秒钟发条推特,抱怨你有多讨厌你老板;或是在网上传一张你抱着酒瓶喝醉的照片都有可能毁掉整个职业生涯。即使最细枝末节的事情——日常表现、穿衣打扮、网络行为、肢体语言和你的朋友类型都会影响到你的事业成败。
6. You need to build a positive presence in new media.你需要在新型媒体中树立积极形象。
Your online social networks enable you to connect with people who have interests similar to yours. Your online presence can help you build your reputation, and the educational opportunities available online can help you dig deeper into the things you’re passionate about and want to become an expert in.网络社交让你认识和你有共同爱好的人。你的网络行为能帮你建立一个好名声。网络还提供各种教育机会,能帮助你继续钻研感兴趣的事物,或成为某一领域的专家。
7. You’ll need to work with people from different generations.你要学会和不同年龄段的人协同工作。
There are now four distinct generations in the workforce: Gen Z (interns), Gen Y (employees), Gen X (managers), and Baby Boomers (executives). Each of these generations was raised in a different period of time, has a different view of the workplace, and communicates differently. By learning how to manage relationships with those in other generations, you will be more successful.现在职场上有四类不同的人:Z一代(实习生)、Y一代(普通职员)、X一代(管理者)和婴儿潮一代(高管)。每一代人都在不同时代长大,对工作有不同的理解,交流方式也各有差异。通过学习如何同不同年龄段的人打交道,你会有更多收获。
8. Your boss’s career comes first.把老板的工作放在第一位。
If your manager is unsuccessful, his frustrations will undoubtedly rub off on you, and the chances you’ll ever get a promotion are pretty slim. But if you support your manager’s career, make his life easier, and earn his trust, he’ll take you with him as he climbs the corporate ladder — even if that means going to another company.如果管理者不成功,他肯定会把怨气撒在你身上,那你得到提升的机会就很渺小了。但若能支持老板的工作,让他的生活更轻松,赢得他的信任,那他在得到升职后也不会忘记你——哪怕这意味着要去另一家公司。
9. The one with the most connections wins.有人脉才是赢家。
We have moved from an information economy to a social one. It’s less about what you know (you can find out just about anything within seconds with a simple Google search), and more about whether you can work with other people to solve problems.我们从信息经济时代过渡到信息社会。通过谷歌搜索,几秒钟你就能知道所有想知道的事,所以现在你知道什么并不重要,重要的是你能否和他人协作共同解决问题。
10. Remember the rule of one.请记住“一人准则”
When it comes to getting a job, starting a business, finding someone to marry, or just about anything else, all it takes is one person to change your life for the better. People may be saying no all around you. But as long as one person says yes, you're on your way.当说起找工作、创业、结婚或其他别的事情时,总会有一个支持你的人把你的生活变得更好。也许周围其他人都在说“不”,但只要有一个人支持你,你就应该坚持下去。
11. You are the future.你就是未来。
By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be Gen Y. That means that even though you may be early in your career, in the not too distant future you’ll be at the forefront. Right now, you have to position yourself to take one of these major leadership roles when the workforce shifts and older generations retire.到2050年,全球主要劳动力都是千禧一代。也就是说即使你现在还是事业起步阶段,但在不远的将来你就是前线上的一员。因此从现在开始你就要锁定一个领导职位,当劳动力变迁,老一代退休时,就及时抓住机遇。
12. Entrepreneurship is for everyone, not just business owners.不只是公司老板,每个人都应该有创业精神。
A lot of people define "entrepreneurship" as starting a business, but in recent years the meaning has broadened to include someone who’s accountable, who’s willing to take risks, and who sells him- or herself. If you want to get ahead, start looking at your company’s management as a venture capital firm. Be persistent, sell your ideas to them, and come up with innovative solutions no one else has thought of.很多人都将“创业精神”定义为开创一家公司,但近几年它的意思有所延展,可用来形容那些负责任、勇于承担风险、可以推销自我的人。如果你想冲在最前方,就要把你的公司管理想象成风险投资企业。要做到持之以恒、让他们接受你的观点,不断制定别人想不出的创新解决方案。
13. Hours are out, accomplishments are in.投入时间,收入回报。
If you want to keep your job and move up, stop thinking that you have to put in a ridiculous numbers of hours per week. Instead, realize your value, deliver on it, measure your successes, and then promote yourself.要是你想保住工作、有所晋升,就别再想每周你要花多长时间工作了。相反,你要认识到自己价值所在,履行责任,评价业绩,最终提升自我。
14. Your career is in your hands, not your employer’s.你的事业掌握在自己手中,并非老板所管。
No matter what they say, companies are looking out for themselves. And while you should definitely try to make your company successful, you need to make sure that you’re getting something out of the deal, too. 不管他们说什么,公司都是为了自身发展。虽然你应该竭力帮公司获得成功,你也应当从中有所回报。
If you aren't learning and growing, you aren't benefiting anymore, and that's an issue that you will have to resolve. Don't rely on anything or anyone: Be accountable for your own career, and take charge of your own life.如果你不能从中学习成长,那你就没有任何收益,这个问题必须解决。不要依靠他人。要为自己的事业负责,做自己生命的主人。 |