Are you nice to your co-workers? Before you answer, take a moment to think about it. How often do you ask them personal questions before jumping into a request? When was the last time you spoke to the person sitting next to you about anything besides work?你在同事之间有没有亲和力呢?在你回答之前,细想一下,在提出工作要求之前,你会与他们寒暄个人生活吗?上一次与坐在你旁边的人谈论除工作以外的事情的时间是什么时候?
After reading this New York Times article about how bosses don't have the time to be nice to their employees at work, it got me thinking — maybe, I'm not as nice as I think I am. And by not taking the extra effort to be kind to my co-workers, I could be contributing to a negative atmosphere.读了《纽约时报》上一篇关于老板在工作中没时间体恤员工的文章后,让我联想到——也许,我并没有我想象中那么有亲和力。在没有努力尝试对我的同事温柔以待的情况下,我很可能还带去了负能量。
According to the article, “Rudeness and bad behavior have all grown over the last decades, particularly at work...insensitive interactions have a way of whittling away at people's health, performance and souls.” I know I'm definitely guilty of being so caught up in my work that I sometimes barely acknowledge the conversation someone is trying to have with me — instead, I just nod along, thinking about my to-do list.据文章所说,“在过去十年中,粗鲁无礼的行为一直在泛滥,特别是在工作当中...无感的交流会给人们的健康,表现,甚至灵魂带来不良影响。” 想起我太过投入于工作,忽略一直与我交谈的朋友——我只是一直点头敷衍,满脑袋还充斥这我的任务清单——心中充满无限愧疚。
But that's ridiculous. Because being happy at work can be just as important as your salary. And the friendlier you are with the people you see every day, the happier you'll be.这样做简直很可笑。因为一个开心的工作环境和你的薪资是一样重要的。你对每天遇见的人越友好,你自己也就越开心。
With that in mind, here are five fast and easy ways to be nicer at work — it's easier than you think.鉴于此,这里有五个快速简单的方法能够让你在工作中变得更有亲和力——比你想象中的简单。
1. Share a funny link1.分享有趣的链接
When you come across something online that makes you laugh, you never question sending it over to a friend. So, the next time you come across an article that makes you giggle, send it to a co-worker who you think will appreciate it. Found a perfectly hilarious GIF that sums up the office? Use your company's internal chat system (if appropriate) to share it with the group.当你在网上看到一些让你捧腹大笑的东西,毫不犹豫地转发给你的朋友。所以,下次遇到让你发笑的文章,就发给那些你认为会喜欢的同事吧。找一张十分搞笑的图片与办公室所有人一起分享,你可以使用公司内网聊天系统(如果合适的话)与小组分享。
2. Ask someone how their night was2. 询问小伙伴晚上过得如何
Taking the time to start a conversation about someone's personal life is a simple way to be nice. And no, you don't have to go too in-depth and start a 30-minute conversation. But starting out with, “How did the event go last night?” or “Did you enjoy having your family in town this weekend?” is an easy way to show someone you care (and that you were listening yesterday).花时间和小伙伴谈谈他们的个人生活是提升亲和力最简单的办法。不过,你没有必要谈的太过深入,或者花30分钟来谈。你可以这样来开头“昨晚过得如何?”或者“这周和家人去镇上玩得怎么样?” 这种开头是展现你关心别人的最简单的方式(昨天你所听的)。
3. Invite someone to grab lunch with you3. 邀请小伙伴一起吃午饭
I know, I know — you don't have time to sit down and eat lunch outside the office. But, let's face it, we all need a break from work and we all must grab lunch at some point. As long as you're going outside to get something, you might as well ask someone if he or she would like to join. Even if the person doesn't have time to go to lunch the day you ask, you'll still make him or her feel special by throwing the invite out there.我明白,我了解——你没时间离开办公室,坐在别处享用午饭。但是,面对事实吧,我们都需要摆脱工作来休息,我们都必需吃午饭。只要你想要出去吃点什么,不妨邀请愿意与你一起的小伙伴。即使别人没有时间和你一起吃午饭,你的邀请也给他/她带来了特别的感受。
4. Pick up an extra coffee4. 多要一杯咖啡
Very rarely do you come across co-workers who refuse a caffeine fix. Whether it's on your way into the office in the morning or during a quick work break, pick up an extra coffee (or tea, or whatever else your office likes) for someone. Not only will this brighten the person's day, but if he or she pays it forward, it'll start a chain of positivity in the office.你很少会碰到拒绝咖啡的同事。不论是早晨的上班路上,亦或是中途短暂的休息,为小伙伴要一份咖啡(茶,或者你的同事所喜欢食物)。这不仅能让别人度过愉悦的一天,而且他/她如果能将这份爱传递下去,那么这会在办公室里形成一条正能量的链条。
5. Give someone a compliment5. 夸奖别人
One of the biggest complaints people have about their jobs is that they feel underappreciated. We've all been there, and we all know it's not a fun place to be — so challenge yourself to pay compliments to your co-workers regularly. Maybe someone did a great job on the latest project proposal, or maybe a co-worker landed an incredible sale. All you have to do is shoot over a quick email that says, “Hey! Just wanted to let you know that your pitch was really creative, and I'm excited to see how the company moves forward with it.” (If you need help coming up with a compliment, check out how to show thanks in any professional situation.)人们对工作最大的抱怨就是觉得不被赏识。我们都处在这个境地,我们都知道这并是不一个有趣之地——所以尝试着时不时夸奖你的同事。也许别人在近期的项目建议上表现极好,或者一个同事创造了惊人的业绩。你要做的就是迅速发一封邮件告诉他/她:“嗨!就是想要告诉你,你所做的一切很有创造力,我真的十分激动看到公司在你的努力下一路前行。”(如果你需要夸奖别人的点子,请查看如何在职场表示感谢)
See, it's not that hard or time-consuming to be nicer at work. But, in case you need more convincing, know that research has found that being nice to your colleagues reaps more benefits than you may think.瞧,在工作中更有亲和力并不是什么花费时间的难事。不过,为了让你更加相信,科学研究已经发现善待同事,收获超过你的想象。 |