7 Steps to Seeing the World With a Great Job
In this so-called jobless recovery, you might be wondering who in the world is hiring. Job markets in some countries are a little hotter than in the United States right now, and the New York Times recently reported how professionals shut out of jobs in the U.S. found their career calling in China and elsewhere.
Such reports may make it seem like it's easier for everyone to land a job overseas. Not so.
"If you are a true hotshot in your field, you may be wooed by another country, but everyone else has to do their homework first," says Jean-Marc Hachey, author of "The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas."
"The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas."一书的作者Jean-Marc Hachey说:“如果你在自己的行业真的是大人物的话,那就很有可能被其他国家看中,但是其他人都会首先考虑自己国内的人选。”
There are other considerations. In a September Yahoo! HotJobs poll, 45% of respondents said they were willing to work abroad, and an additional 28% would be willing to move abroad for the right job. But there's a difference between "willing to" and "well prepared to."
Before you look for an overseas job, you should determine whether you would even want to work in another culture, and if so, how "foreign" are you willing to go? Do you enjoy change? Do you mind learning new and sometimes odd protocol for everything from conducting a meeting to buying tomatoes?
If you are sure overseas work is for you, Hachey and other career experts recommend several steps.
1. Look for an American-based company.
The vast majority of professionals working overseas landed their job stateside, and it's much easier to land a job overseas before hopping on the plane. If you want to work abroad, look for international employers in your line of work. While some companies with a worldwide presence offer no mobility between countries, others encourage their employees to go all over the world. If you're the right fit, the company will handle your Visa and work permit, and will do their best to convince the local authorities that only you -- over anyone in their country -- could do the job in question.
2. Don't be picky about the country.
It is much harder to look for a professional job abroad if you limit your search to a particular country, according to Hachey. "If you just love Italy, for example, and won't go anywhere else, you'll have to find a company there who wants you, get a work permit from the Italian government, and prove to officials there's nobody in their country who can do that professional job better," he says. "If you want to pick grapes or do something low-skilled, that's another matter."
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