Try not to contact them after work hours unless it's asked of you:除非必要,不要在下班后联系他们:
If the other party did not suggest a time to talk after work hours, don't call them or email them after 6 or 7 p.m. unless it's an emergency or if the nature of your job requires you to contact them at night. There's nothing more frustrating than getting a 10 p.m. call to talk about work when it isn't urgent. Many of us like to clock out when work ends, so talking about job-related items can bring back unwanted memories of the daily grind.假如对方并没有要求你在下班后和他们联系,你就不要在下午6点或7点后给他们打电话发邮件,除非这件事非常紧急或者你工作的性质要求你在晚上联系他们。再没有什么比在晚上10点接到电话讨论不紧急的工作事务更令人讨厌的了。我们很多人都会数着时间下班,所以在下班后讨论和工作有关的事情会让人回想起不愿想起的那些日常琐事。
Leave their personal accounts alone:别联系他们的私人账户:
Don't contact them about work through their personal email, cell phone, Facebook, or chat when they haven't given you leave to do so. Most people don't like to mix their personal and professional lives, so don't corner them into doing it. However, if they engage you first through these accounts, it is OK to reply to them.不要通过他们私人的邮箱、手机、facebook和他们讨论工作上的事情。也不要在他们没有和你约好的时候找他们聊工作。大部分人不喜欢把私人生活和工作生活联系在一起。所以不要逼着他们这么做。不过,假如他们先用这些账户来联系你,那你回复他们也是可以的。
Keep the punctuations and smiley faces to a minimum:少用标点和表情符号:
When you don't know someone, it's a bit odd to add five exclamation marks at the end of the sentence and say things like "thank you a million times!" Don't overwhelm people before getting to know them. Being overenthusiastic can also come off as being insincere. Ease them into it.如果你不认识某人,你在句子的最后加上五个感叹号,就比如“万分感谢!!!!!”这样会有些奇怪。不要在认识别人之前就给他太多压力。过于热情也会显得不真诚,平和地接触才是王道。
Give them time to reply:给他们时间回复:
If you haven't heard back from someone, don't start bombarding them with emails, texts, and voicemail messages all in one day. Give them a little leeway and wait for them to reply you and try again the next day or even the next week if you have the time to wait.如果你还没有得到别人的回复,不要就此开始用邮件、短信和语音邮件全天候轰炸他们。给他们留一些余地,等待他们的回复,如果你实在没时间等了,第二天甚至第二个礼拜再试着联系他们。
If they say no, don't push it:如果他们说了不,就不要逼他们:
If they decline you, don't rephrase the same question and ask it again. The answer is no! Instead give them time to mull it over, present the issue again at a later date, and change the terms to better suit them. The more you push them, the more they'll withdraw. Remember, you can't badger someone into agreeing.如果他们拒绝了你,就不要重复这个问题,反复问。答案永远是不!相反,应该给他们时间去仔细琢磨一下,在晚点的时候再重新表达一下想法,把内容改得更适合他们一些。你越是逼他们,他们越是会拒绝。记着,强扭的瓜不甜。
Don't backtrack:不要改变主意:
Plan what you're going to say and offer carefully. Don't say something, then backtrack and change your words. It's always better to start the relationship off slow because you can then decide how you want to progress based on the results you're seeing.计划好你要说什么,然后谨慎地提出来。不要说了一件事,然后改变主意了,又换一种说法。慢慢地发展关系总是更好的,因为这样你就能决定在你已经获得的成果上该如何发展。
Remember that their time is precious:记住他们的时间很宝贵:
Their time is very valuable, so carefully pick what kind of communication works best. Emails are generally less disruptive so if you can convey your message via email, opt for that form of communication first.他们的时间很宝贵,因此你要仔细地选择哪一种沟通方式是最好的。邮件一般来说不会那么打扰到别人。所以如果你能通过邮件传达你的信息,它就是你沟通的第一选择。 |