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发表于 2016-8-9 09:20:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        How odd that so much of life is dependent upon time.很奇怪,人生中很多事情都是依时间而定的。
        Lives are measured in years. We count down the minutes and seconds in a game and measure our productivity by months and quarters.生命是由“年”来衡量的。玩游戏的时候我们会依分秒倒数计时;生产力的计量我们一般按月或者季度算。
        The clock speeds when you're enjoying a project and drags when someone is droning on and on in a meeting.当你做事情乐在其中的时候时间过得特别快,反之,如果开会时候碰上一个说得不停的人你便会觉得时间过得特别慢。
        Your ability to control time is nonexistent, which can be frustrating when you really need it. And who doesn't want just a bit more time, an extra hour each day? Well here's your chance.世上没有人有控制时间的能力,这确实让人很沮丧,尤其在你确确实实觉得时间不够用的时候。谁不想每天多一点时间,多一个小时呢?现在你的机会来了。
        So that you don't waste this precious time, I have put together a list of 21 ideas on how to make the most of this gift.别浪费这个宝贵的一小时,以下我列举了21条让你好好利用这个天赐的礼物。
        1.Catch up on all of your email.跟进你所有的邮件。
        2.Hand-write and send five thank-you notes to people who support you.手写五封感谢信给那些帮助你的人。
        3.Brainstorm with a couple of colleagues on how to make the office run better.和几个同事集思广益,想想怎么让工作进行得更加顺利。
        4.Plan a romantic evening for your significant other.和你的另一半计划共度一个浪漫的夜晚。
        5.Investigate two of your competitors.考察研究你的两个竞争对手。
        6.Google yourself. If that takes five minutes, Google all your co-workers.在网上搜索你自己的名字。如果要花到五分钟之久,搜索你所有的同事。
        7.Make a list of pros and cons about yourself as a contributor to the company.从为公司做贡献的角度来看,列出你自己的优势和不足。
        8.Identify a role model and send them a handwritten invitation to lunch.找到自己的榜样人物,并手写一封邀请函表达共进午餐之意。
        9.Plan a weekend trip with your family.计划一次假日家庭出行。
        10.Have lunch with your boss, partner or colleague.和你的老板、合伙人或者同事吃顿午餐。
        11.Call an old friend or relative you have neglected.给久未联系的老朋友或亲戚打个电话。
        12.Update your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter profiles and your resume.对你在LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter上的个人档案和简历进行更新。
        13.Sharpen your powers of observation by watching people in a crowded area.在一个拥挤的场所观察人群以训练你自己的观察力。
        14.Volunteer for a charity you like.选择一个慈善团体做志愿服务。
        15.Make a playlist of inspiring work music.给一些可以振奋工作的音乐建一个播放列表。
        17.Clean up the desktop on your computer (or your desk).清理你的电脑桌面(或你自己的桌子)。
        18.Plan the perfect dinner party.计划一个完美的晚宴。
        19.Read that business book that's been waiting.读一本被你长期搁置的商业书籍。
        20.Write a short story.写一个短篇故事。
        21.Give yourself a clothing makeover. (Yes, that means shopping.)给自己来一个外观大改造。(对,就是购物。)

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