I run several businesses and I have run them very poorly. But, I have also run them successfully. When I started as an entrepreneur, I had one restaurant, now I have two restaurants and am an online presence where I coach, write and speak. When you grow across multiple platforms, you have to change how you operate as an owner.笔者我有好几盘生意要打理,不过我运营得很糟糕。不过,我也把它们运营得很成功。刚开始我以企业家身份踏足商务领域时,我有一家餐馆,而现在我有两家餐馆,并且我还时常活跃于网络,通过网络给他人提供建议,撰写文章还有发表评论。当你需要接触越来越多个平台时,你就不得不改变自己作为一名企业所有者的运营方式了。
If yours are a small company you can micromanage, be unorganized and lack focus and still survive maybe even thrive to a degree. However, the larger your business grows, the more these flaws will be seen. When I started to expand my little empire, there was a period where expansion almost ruined me I had to change and I knew it. My flaws of lack of focus and micro-managing almost undid what I built.如果您的是一家小公司,你可以微管理,无明确组织结构,缺乏工作重心仍能屹立不倒,甚至也许更上一层楼。然而,当你的生意越做越大,公司结构的瑕疵就越来越明显。当笔者开拓我的小小商业领土时,曾经有一段时期几乎把我毁了,以致我不得不改变运营方式,我就知道。由于缺乏专注里和微管理的能力,这些纰漏几乎把我所建立的一切化为乌有。
These tips will help you run multiple businesses.以下这些小提示能帮助您运营多盘生意。
1. Note pad.1.笔记本子。
I know that there are cool apps like Evernote the help in writing lists, but for me, nothing replaces pen and paper. Something in handwriting helps me to remember, and I love crossing things off or tearing off a sheet of paper and throwing it in the fire. Notes are necessary for multiple reasons, the king of which is focus. When working on one business have a notepad always by you. When other projects or businesses pop into your mind write it down and refocus on your current plan to be effective. Focus and intensity are required to have momentum and with more than one business you can lose momentum which is the lifeblood of business. When your mind wants to go elsewhere, write it down and refocus on what you’re working on now. Notepads will help you to stay organized and focused.我知道有一些很酷的手机软件,如Evernote,我们可以在里面写下各种清单。但对于我来说,没有什么能比得上白纸黑字写下来有效。亲手写下的内容有助记忆,并且我很喜欢打叉叉或者把纸张撕掉扔进火堆里的感觉。笔记的必要性体现在多个方面,最主要的还是能培养专注力。如果您在运营一笔生意,一定要随身带着一个笔记本。而当其他项目或生意事情突然到来时,就把它写下来,然后重新投入当前的计划中,这样才会让你的工作更有效率。高度专注与高强度的状态是动力的来源,若同时兼顾多项生意你就会失去动力,而这种动力刚好就能掌握商业的命脉。当你感觉注意力被别的事情影响了,那就把它写下来,然后重新投入到当前的工作中。笔记本有助于保持条理性和专注性。
2. Physical locations. 2. 办公场地。
I work on each restaurant in each site and my other businesses from a private office. Different areas help my memory. I thought this was strange and then watched the video by Lewis Howes and Jim Kwik. We remember by location much better due to microevolution. Get in the habit of working on businesses in different places even if it’s on the computer at various parts of your house. Locations defined for business will help you to maintain boundaries mentally and recall when you need to.我分别在各个地点经营各家餐馆,而其他的生意事务我都会在私人办公室里处理。在不同的地方工作有助于工作的记忆。但我觉得这是很奇怪的,然后我就看了Lewis Howes和Jim Kwik拍的影片。通过场地的转换,我们能记得更多细节,这得益于人的微进化。学会养成在不同地方处理生意事务的习惯,即使你只是在家里的不同区域使用电脑。为生意事务而设定的办公地点能帮助你维持心理界限并能在你需要的时候回想起细节来。
3. Team.3.团队合作。
The larger you get, the more you need to spend most of your time managing and developing a team. The only way to run multiple things is to have a solid team. Your team will be the frontline of your business. Treat your team with the passion, energy and focus like your business depends on it because it does. Work with a team to build and multiply your time and energy.当你的生意越办越大,你就需要花越多的时间微管理你的公司以及建立团队。顺利处理多项任务的唯一方法就是建立一支强大的队伍。你的团队就是业务的最前线。拿出热情、活力与专注力对待你的团队,如同对待依赖着它的生意一样,因为确实也是这样。在团队里工作,以此建立和增加你的时间与活力。
4. Reports.4.工作报告。
Know what numbers matter to your business and have reports done at the minimum weekly. Measurement improves performance and reports are your measurement showing improvement or drop-off within the business.了解哪些数据对业务起着至关重要的作用,并且至少以每周为单位把报告做好。数据评估能改善工作表现,而这些报告就是你的评估依据,显示着生意的进展良好与否。
Extreme focus is required to build multiple companies that are thriving. Build one business at a time until you get a solid team in place, then you will have the bandwidth to work on your next business. With focus and energy, you can build an entrepreneurial empire. Focus on one business at a time, form a team and know your numbers.极致的专注力是发展多家兴旺发展中的公司必不可少的要素。每次只创建一项生意直到在适当的时机建立起强大的团队,然后你就有空间发展你的下一项事业了。凭着强大的专注力与活力,你能够建立起专属的企业帝国。一次专注一项,建立团队,然后了解你的数据。 |