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BBC:听说中国的网红很赚钱 俺们想一探究竟









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发表于 2016-8-8 09:11:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Ling Ling, a 29-year-old living in Shanghai, has gone to great lengths to curate a picture-perfect life on social media. Her photos on micro-blogging site Weibo show her glamorous and leisurely life.玲玲是一个住在上海的29岁女孩,她在社交网站上用照片精心打造了一副完美生活的景象。微博上晒出的照片秀出了她鲜亮丽、悠闲自在的生活。
        Dressed in fashionable clothing and with immaculate make-up, Ling Ling is seen dining at fancy cafes and restaurants; attending parties and social events with her girlfriends; travelling to places like Boracay, Tokyo and Dubai.时髦的衣着、精致的妆容,这是玲玲在高级咖啡店和餐厅的照片;还有和闺蜜们一起参加派对和社交场合的照片;也有去往世界各地旅行的照片,如长滩岛、东京或是迪拜。
        But she does not cultivate her online image just to make herself feel good or her friends jealous. She is one of the new internet celebrities, known as Wang Hong.但是这样苦心经营网络形象并不仅仅是为了让自己感觉良好或者让朋友羡慕嫉妒恨——她是新兴网络名人中的一员,也就是网红。
        It's a lucrative business, with Zhang Dayi, one of China's best known Wang Hong, reportedly earning 300m yuan (£35m; $46m). This compares favourably to top Chinese actress Fan Bingbing, who according to Forbes, made about $21m last year.网红这一行充满商机。据报道,中国最知名的网红之一张大奕收入已高达3亿元(约合3500万英镑或4600万美元)。这足以和中国一线女演员范冰冰的收入相媲美。据福布斯报道,范冰冰去年一年年收入为2100万美元。



        Online fashionistas网络时尚达人
        There are two types of internet celebrities in China - those who create original content like Papi Jiang, who was once censured by Chinese authorities for excessive use of foul language in her videos, and the "fashionistas".在中国有这样两种网络红人——一种是因发布原创视频而走红的,比如Papi酱,虽然她曾因在视频中频繁使用粗俗语言而被勒令整改。另一种就是“时尚达人”。
        Ling Ling and Zhang Dayi fall into the second category, selling clothes and cosmetics on Taobao, China's leading online shopping site.玲玲和张大奕就属于第二种网络红人,她们在中国最大的购物网站——淘宝上售卖服装和化妆品。
        They work as their own shops' models by posting pictures of themselves wearing the clothes they sell, and some of their followers become their most loyal customers.她们的工作就是做自己网店的模特,上传自己身着自家服饰的照片,以此吸引粉丝们成为自己的忠实客户。
        Ling Ling, who has been active online for 10 years and has more than 330,000 followers on Weibo, says she didn't plan on becoming an internet celebrity.玲玲已经在网络上活跃了十年,并拥有超过33万微博粉丝,却说自己的本意并不是做一个网红。
        "In the beginning, there were only online forums. I posted pictures and wrote online every day and a lot of people started paying attention to me."“一开始只有网络论坛。我每天上传照片、写写文章就获得了很多人的关注。”
        When she was 18, Ling Ling started a bricks-and-mortar clothing shop in Shanghai, but she soon realised that her online fame would bring more business.当时玲玲只有18岁,她开始在上海创立自己服装实体店,但是很快她便意识到自己的网络人气能够带来更多生意。



        "You will be able to reach to customers across the nation with an online store. I've got quite a lot of customers in Beijing and Guangzhou," she says.她说:“在网上做生意你会遇到来自全国各地的人。我有很多来自北京和广州的客户。”
        Her Taobao shop generates around 300,000 yuan in sales every month and that figure can double during festivals.她的淘宝店每月的销售额大约为30万元,在节假日该数额还会翻倍。
        But these numbers did not satiate her ambition, so she signed a contract with Tophot, an incubator aimed at nurturing top internet celebrities.但是这些数字还不足以是她满足,因此她便与网红培育公司Tophot签约了。
        'Outperforming A-listers'成绩赶超一线明星
        According to CBNData, a commercial data company affiliated with Alibaba, the "internet celebrity economy" is set to be worth 58bn yuan in 2016, more than China's box office in 2015.CBNData(阿里巴巴旗下的一家商业数据公司)数据统计显示,2016年“网红经济”市值将达到580亿元,超过2015年中国的票房总收入。
        The enormous earning potential has led to the rise of internet celebrity incubators in China, which race to discover and nurture the next Zhang Dayi.巨大的盈利空间带动了中国“网红养成公司”的兴起,这些公司争先恐后地挖掘和培养下一个“张大奕”。

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