A letter or email is always from the sender and to the receiver – never of.
We would like to presentour standpointregarding the email ofthe Company dated 28 January 2011.
针对2011年1月28日的这份公司电邮,我们想表达一下我们的立场(公司电邮的英语表达为the email of the Company)。
We would like to present our standpoint regarding the email fromthe Company dated 28 January 2011.
2011.针对2011年1月28日的这份公司电邮,我们想表达一下我们的立场(公司电邮的英语表达为the email from the Company)。
In connection with receiving, on 11 March 2011, a letter ofthe TenderCommittee announcing the completionof the second stage of the tender proceedings, please be informed that …
2011年3月11日收到的投标委员会的信函指出投标已完成了第二阶段的工作,请将此告诉(投标委员会的信函的英语表达为a letter of the Tender Committee)......
In connection with receiving, on 11 March 2011, a letter fromthe Tender Committee announcing the completion of the second stage of the tender proceedings, please be informed that …
2011年3月11日收到的投标委员会的信函指出投标已完成了第二阶段的工作,请将此告诉(投标委员会的信函的英语表达为a letter from the Tender Committee)......
The construction“the letter of Anna” is un-English, but it would be understood to mean “Anna’s letter”. Without any context, this tells us nothing about whether Anna wrote the letter or received it.
在英语中,“the letter of Anna”(安娜的信)的这种结构是不会用到的,但可以用“Anna’s letter”来代替。如果没有上下文的话,这种表达既可以被理解为是安娜写的信,也可以理解成是安娜收到的信。
“The letter to Anna” means that Anna received it, while “the letter from Anna” means that Anna wrote it. Only use the construction “Anna’s letter” if it is clear from the context whether Anna wrote or received the letter.
安娜收到的信的英语表达应该是“the letter to Anna”,而安娜写的信应该表述为“the letter from Anna”。如果只是用“Anna’s letter”来表达的话,在没有语境的情况下,则可以包含这两种意思。
This rule also applies to notifications, messages and other forms of communication.