After much speculation, singer Whitney Houston's tragic death will reportedly be ruled an accident.
E! News cites a source within the investigation, who has confirmed that the legendary singer, who passed away in Los Angeles on Feb. 11, did not die by her own hand, nor as the result of a deliberate action taken by anyone else.
Though the cause of death has been listed as "deferred" pending toxicology test reports, the inquiry is apparently nearing completion, and "nothing suspicious" has been turned up regarding Houston's physicians, or any other persons of interest related to the case.
"She had no marks on her body whatsoever to indicate a struggle, and she was the furthest thing from trying to kill herself," explained the source, who further revealed that the toxicology screening may be handed in as soon as next week.
The Los Angeles County Department of the Coroner has yet to comment regarding the results, as the investigation is still ongoing.
针对惠特尼死因的还未正式公布,洛杉矶警方称结果将延迟发布。警方表示惠特尼全身并无任何挣扎打斗的痕迹,如果最迟下周出炉的尸检报告没有新的情况出现的话,案件将很快结束调查。但警方没有透露是否针对惠特尼死亡场景照片泄露一事展开调查。Mark Rosen警官告诉媒体,惠特尼的家人对此并无异议。 |