Nicole Richie was once a wild child but those days are long gone. The 30-year-old fashion designer says her kids have totally grounded her and they keep her totally busy. We bet Hollymoms can totally relate to this!
“Joel and I are complete polar opposites,” Nicole says. “He’s from southern Maryland. He’s very family-oriented. He grew up with four brothers and sisters. When we met, I was definitely going through a difficult time with my family, and having him have such a strong foundation really opened the doors and brought both of our families together.”
Although she has settled down, Nicole was once Paris Hilton‘s party partner in crime and the House of Harlow creator says her son Sparrow definitely has her spunk!
“My daughter (Harlow, 2)looks exactly like me, and she has Joel’s personality,” Nicole says. “She’s very careful. She doesn’t make a move without fully thinking about what the consequences would be and what that means. Sparrow, 4, looks exactly like Joel and has my personality. He’s just wild. I’m in for the ride. He’s two, and we’ve had broken fingers, we’ve been to the hospital. You cannot take your eye off of him for a second. He is just a full, free spirit.”
We bet Nicole is such a fun mom!
沪江娱乐快讯:现年30岁的时尚名媛妮可·里奇现在已经是两个孩子的妈妈,两岁的女儿哈露和四岁的儿子斯派洛。她与丈夫的性格完全不同,儿女们也遗传了不同的基因。女儿哈露一副乖乖女的模样,斯派洛则调皮的要命,曾经因摔断手指进过医院,追逐自由的个性跟年轻时的妮可如出一辙。看来明星宝宝们同样也是性格十足,长大后一定像他们的父母一样光芒四射。 |