She's carved out a reputation as a wildchild, so you might expect Lindsay Lohan's face to bear the at least a little evidence of her past excesses.
And this is evident in the odd-shape of her nose, which has changed somewhat in comparison with how it was in her moreinnocent younger years.
A closeinspection of her face reveals that her nose is far from the same shape it was in 2004, when she appeared in Mean Girls.
沪江娱乐快讯:美国女星林赛·罗韩近年来的出格表现令她获得了野孩子的名声,因此她的脸呈现出一点症状也是理所当然的, 显然林赛·罗韩的鼻子形状与她的青涩少女时代相比发生了奇怪的变化。近距离观察她的脸就会发现,她的鼻子和2004年拍《坏女孩》时的已经不一样了。林赛·罗韩有多年吸毒史,2007年她首次被发现吸食可卡因。当然在过去几年里,发生变化的不仅仅是她的鼻子。她的脸上似乎失去了昔日的光彩。 |