Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger have been confirmed for ‘The Tomb’, an upcoming action/thriller about a prison designer (Stallone) who is imprisoned in his own design, and must rely on a seasoned con (Schwarzenegger) to escape.
Last month we reported that Expendables 2 co-stars (and action movie icons) Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger could team up to star in a film called The Tomb, which is basically an action/thriller that has more than a few shades of Fox’s Prison Break TV show in its premise.
Today we can confirm that Stallone and Schwarzenegger will indeed be starring in The Tomb together, along with some further details about the film. Read on to learn more.
《金蝉脱壳》(Escape Plan)经过几年的筹备,主角人选从布鲁斯·威利斯,西尔维斯特·史泰龙和阿诺·施瓦辛格转了几圈之后,最后终于以史泰龙签约告一段落。前段时间传言施瓦辛格也有可能重回剧组的消息,这次也终于得到了证实。
《金蝉脱壳》中,史泰龙将扮演世界上最顶尖的安全系统设计专家Ray Breslin,他因为一桩案件恰巧被囚禁在由自己亲手设计出来的监狱之中,而他则需要以己之矛攻己之盾从这间牢房中越狱。
影片的主要故事情节讲述的就是史泰龙饰演的设计大师企图从自己设计的监狱中越狱的故事。新加盟的前州长则出演监狱看守,那是一个调子阴郁性格复杂的监狱看守,剧本中对这个人的形容是“狱中的囚犯过着黑暗的生活,挣扎求生,而这个看守则竭尽所能去帮他们保留最后的人性。” |