Ron Weasley may have skirted along the poverty line during childhood, but his children are going to be quite comfortable with their inheritance.罗恩·韦斯利在他小的时候也许手头并没什么钱,但他如今赚得的钱,却足够让他的孩子过上富二代的生活。
Forbes Magazine, in conjunction with Hollywood money site Box Office Mojo, has compiled a list of the top-earning on-screen couples of the past half decade. Though they were in a love-hate relationship for much of the film series, Ron and Hermoine's fateful kiss and bliss-filled epilogue in the final Potter film put them at the top of the list.《财富》杂志和好莱坞财富官网一起联手列出了一张“过去5年最赚银屏情侣排行榜”。虽然在《哈利波特》系列里,罗恩和赫敏是一对让人又爱又恨的情侣,但是那决定的一吻,以及最后皆大欢喜的结局,让他们荣登榜单的榜首。
The final four Potter films, released between 2007 and 2011, took in $4.2 billion worldwide, including a staggering $1.33 billion for this summer's finale. The series' massive success helped make Watson Hollywood's highest earning actress in 2009, as she took in $30 million in advance for the final two films.分别在2007年到2011年上映的最后四部《哈利波特》电影,全球票房共收入了42亿美元,包括最后一部的13.3亿美元,这个数字实在是太惊人了。这部电影巨大的成功也让赫敏的扮演者Emma Waston成为了2009年好莱坞收入最多的女演员。仅仅是开拍前的签约费就有3千万美元。
Coming in second on the list are another YA adaptation couple, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Their four "Twilight" films thus far have taken in $2.5 billion worldwide, and they have another to go this summer.排名第二的银屏情侣是,《暮光之城》里的爱德华和贝拉。至今拍完的4部一共收入了25亿美元,今年夏天,《暮光之城4下》也即将开拍。
Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox came in third for their first two "Transformers" films, with $1.5 billion. Fox did not appear in the third film, which took in $1.2 billion worldwide.由于梅根并没有继续出演《变形金刚》第三部,希安和梅根凭借前两部作品获得第三,总收入金额也有15亿美元。顺带一提的是,第三部的拍摄也赚了整整12亿美元。
Looking ahead, the three planned adaptations of "The Hunger Games" novels by Suzanne Collins -- yet another YA-based romance -- will look to crack this list over the next few years. Starring Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, it's a dystopian book with a love story between two contestants in a barbaric battle to the death.最后让我们再来展望一下未来,不出意外,Suzanne Collins的小说《饥渴游戏》将会被改编拍成电影,另一部关于青春罗曼史的电影,将会在不就得将来冲上榜单。关注两位主演Jennifer Lawrence和Josh Hutcherson,在这本反乌托邦式的小说里将会上演一场在生死挣扎中激发出的爱的盛典。 |