Harry Potter star Emma Watson has ducked out of showbiz for a bit to concentrate on her studies at Oxford University… at least that’s what she said she was going to do a while back.电影《哈利·波特》中的明星艾玛·沃特森,因为要把精力集中在牛津大学的学业上(至少前阵子她是这么说的),已经隐退娱乐圈一阵子了。
It seems she can’t stay out of the limelight though and has just got herself all dolled up in a pretty backless, corset dress with tulle skirt to attend a promotional event in Hong Kong for Lancome.Only a couple of weeks ago Emma attended the London premiere of My Week with Marilyn.不过,看样子她是离不开聚光灯的。穿着一身美丽的露背紧衣,外加一条薄纱裙,她漂漂亮亮地出席了兰蔻在香港的促销活动。几星期前,艾玛刚刚参加了《和玛丽莲·梦露的一周》的伦敦首映式。
Talking to reporters there she said she related to Marilyn and what she coped with being under the showbiz spotlight.“I certainly feel a lot for her and for what she went through,” she said.在和记者们谈话时,她说,对于玛丽莲·梦露以及她在娱乐圈处理的那些事情,她表示感同身受。“我真的很同情她和她的经历。”
“I think she was just trying to find her feet in the midst of this kind of crazy circus that went on around her, and trying to find some sort of balance and some sort of normality in her life, and I can definitely relate to that."“她被这样一个疯狂的马戏团包围着。我觉得她尝试着在中间地带站稳脚跟,找到生活的平衡和正常状态。而且我很能理解那种感觉。”
Thankfully it looks like Emma’s finding her middle ground and is managing to juggle her studies with the occasional appearance.The 22 year old actress is also ensuring she won’t be out of work after Uni and said: “There are a lot of things that I'm lining up."There’ll be no slogging for years to pay off the student loan for Emma then.所幸的是,艾玛貌似已经找到了她的中间地带,而且正努力地把学业和偶尔的通告都协调好。这个22岁的演员也保证她在毕业后是不会退出演艺圈的。她说,“还有很多事情等着我去做呢。” 不用苦干很多年,艾玛就能把学费通通赚回来啦。 |