Former Miss USA Rima Fakih may be adding an unfortunate new title to her roster: defendant.前美国小姐得主莉玛·法基可能会被“加冕”一个不幸的新名号:被告人。
Fakih, 26, who captured the Miss USA crown in 2010, is facing drunken driving charges after a weekend arrest in Highland Park, Mich. 26岁的法基是2010年美国小姐桂冠得主,她于上周末被密歇根州的警方逮捕后,将要面临醉酒驾驶的指控。
Fakih Tweeted on Saturday: "Let's clear things up now. ... I'm NOT in Michigan and I'm NOT in jail! Wrong Fakih." But the post has since been removed, and on Sunday her attorney Doraid Elder confirmed the arrest. 法基周六发微博说:我们把事情弄清楚一下,我不在密歇根州,我也没被关在监狱里!不是我。”但是这条微博已经被删除了。周日她的辩护律师Doraid Elder已经承认她被逮捕了。
Elder had few details of the arrest but said Fakih's record "has not a single blemish," adding that the beauty queen is "very saddened and very apologetic for the situation that she's in right now." 律师对于法基的被捕还提供了一些细节,他说:“这不是法基的记录上唯一的一个污点,”,他补充到这位选美皇后对于现在的处境感到非常伤心和万分歉意。
In May 2010 Fakih became the first Miss Michigan to win the Miss USA title since 1993 and the first Arab American ever to win the pageant. She competed for Miss Universe later that year but lost. 2010年的五月,法基成为1993年以来第一个获得美国小姐桂冠的密歇根小姐,也是第一个获此殊荣的阿拉伯裔美国人。她还在第二年参加了环球小姐的角逐,很不幸失败了。
Police offered no details of the arrest. And on Sunday, the beauty queen appeared to be in good spirits, Tweeting: "A long run always gets me energized! Its time to make football Sunday food." 警方没有提供关于逮捕的细节。周日,这位选美皇后精神不错的出现,还发微博说:“拉锯战总能更加激励我!该去准备周日的足球赛的食物了。” |