It's no secret that Katy Perry wants to have kids, but the singer didn't mince words at the American Music Awards as she shot down rumors that she is already pregnant.凯蒂·佩里想要宝宝是公开的秘密,但是她在全美音乐大奖上可没有闪烁其词,她回应了关于她已经怀孕的谣言。
"Hell, no!" Perry, 27, told everybody, when asked if there were children in the near future for her and her husband, Russell Brand, 36.当被问及是否在不久的将来会有她与36岁的丈夫拉塞尔·布兰德的孩子出生时,27岁的佩里说:“绝对没有!”
The rumors swirled after Perry's outfit at the AMAs seemed to show a little bump, but Perry assured them any protrusion was just due to diet.佩里出席全美音乐大奖时的礼服让她的小腹看上去有些突起,谣言从此开始流传。但是佩里说那只是吃得太多的结果。
"I like In-N-Out Burger and Taco Bell and if you want to make that pregnant that's your problem," she said, "I still love drinking alcohol so not yet."“我喜欢吃汉堡还有墨西哥鸡肉卷,你要是把这个当成怀孕,那就是你的问题了。”她说,“我还是很爱喝酒,所以时机还未到。”
During a concert at Madison Square Garden last week, Perry joked to the crowd that her "bloated belly" wasn't because she's about to be a mom. She said she had just been having too much fun sampling the "delicious" food in and around New York City. 上周在麦迪逊广场举行的音乐会上,佩里对观众开玩笑说她鼓鼓的肚皮不是因为要做妈妈了。她只是太享受于品尝纽约的美食了。 |