Jennifer Aniston and her boyfriend Justin Theroux have taken the plunge – the pair have officially moved in together, a source tells PEOPLE.知情人士透露给PEOPLE说,珍妮弗·安妮斯顿和男友贾斯汀·塞洛克斯正式住到了一起。
"They decided to rent a house together while they keep searching for the perfect [one] to buy," says the source. "Jen and Justin are very excited about living together in their new home."“他们决定在买到合适的房子之前先一起租一套,”知情人士说。“珍妮弗和贾斯汀对于能一起住进新家都很兴奋。”
As PEOPLE reported in July, the couple have been house-hunting for a while, but decided to settle into a two-bedroom rental in the Hollywood Hills until they find a permanent haven.People在7月曾经报道,珍妮弗和男友正在找房子,但是在他们找到一套合适的房子钱他们决定现在好莱坞山庄租一套两卧室的房子。
Aniston, 42, moved out of her Beverly Hills spread in July after deciding the home was "too much" for her and it was time to "simplify." It sold for $38 million.42岁的安妮斯顿7月以现在的房子对于自己来说太大,是时候“精简”一下为由以3800万卖掉了自己比弗利山庄的房子。 |