Kate Winslet 《泰坦尼克号》女主凯特·温丝莱特
"I think it's, you know, it's one of those things that, you know, we'll all remember where we were when we first heard about the twin towers in the same way that if you were alive at the time, you remember where you were when Elvis died, or when Princess Diana died."我们都记得第一次听到纽约世贸中心双子塔遭袭时自己身在何处,就像当初——如果你生活在那个年代的话——听到猫王或戴安娜王妃去世时一样。
Justin Bieber 超级少年偶像贾斯汀·比伯
"I was actually coming home from school and it was on the TV and my mom was like, 'watch this' and it was really crazy, I actually saw the second plane hit on TV, and it was like, it was traumatic."那天我放学回到家,电视上正在播911事件,母亲好像说了句“看这个”。太疯狂了,我在电视上看到了第二架飞机撞击大厦的画面,这给美国造成了巨大的创伤。
Cloris Leachman 电视剧女王克劳斯·利特曼
"I was in my bed when my daughter called me and told me what was happening. I turned on my TV and I saw it, and of course I was in LA, perfectly safe, very grateful."我当时正在床上,女儿打电话来告诉我发生了什么。我打开电视看到了报道,我就在洛杉矶,感谢上苍我一切安好。
Ryan Gosling 无冕影帝瑞恩·高斯林
"The whole illusion of Hollywood was just dismantled in a second, you know, and everybody stopped being these characters that they were playing, and they all just became people who were worried about people that they knew."好莱坞幻象瞬间褪去,每个人都不再是演员,只是牵挂着自己亲人朋友的普通人。
Philip Seymour Hoffman 第78届奥斯卡最佳男主角霍夫曼
"I live in Manhattan. I was there that morning. I live about a mile away from where it happened, so I think there's a personal remembrance of that, that's pretty hard to shake."我住在纽约市曼哈顿区,当天早晨我就在那里,住地离事发地大约1英里远。所以我对于911事件有着自己的记忆,难以撼动的记忆。
Shaggy 格莱美获奖歌手夏奇
"I was amazed at how they just went, I thought like, 'okay the plane hit it, you know, it's the World Trade Center, are you kidding me right now?' And when they just started falling, I was like 'wow. What is this?'"事情的发展让我惊愕不已,我心想“好吧飞机撞上了大楼,这可是世贸中心啊,开玩笑的吧?”。而当双子塔开始倒塌时,我惊呼“靠,这是怎么回事!”
Evan Rachel Wood 新生代女星埃文·雷切尔·伍德
"I think people just need to stop killing each other, I mean, it's getting ridiculous. This needs to stop, and people need to stop separating themselves, you know, I think people got to start coming together or else we're going to destroy each other, you know."人们应该停止自相残杀,这太可笑了。而且人们不该再将彼此隔离,大家要开始同心协力,否则就会出现相互毁灭的状况。
Ne-Yo 美国流行音乐及R&B歌手尼欧
"It really doesn't even feel like it's been 10 years, man, that's crazy to me."完全感觉不到已经过去了10年,911事件在我看来太疯狂了。
Selena Gomez 迪斯尼明星赛琳娜·戈麦斯
"I mean, everytime that day kind of comes about, I always think about the fact that I was in the 4th grade and what happened and all those feelings that we had and how everybody was distraught, and I just feel like everytime that comes around, I hope people acknowledge it and I hope that they just keep praying for our troops over there and just keep carrying on."每年当9月11日这天来临时,我都会想起2001年时自己正上四年级,我会回想当时发生了什么、我们大家的感受、以及每个人是如何的心烦意乱。我希望每年的9月11日人们都能想起那事,为我们远方的军队祈祷,并将生活继续下去。
Busta Rhymes 饶舌高手巴斯塔·雷米斯
"You know, we've been able to still show our resilience and our endurance as a city, as a people, coming together and representing and remembering the lives of the ones that we lost, is such a beautiful thing to know that we're not celebrating their loss but we're celebrating their lives, you know what I'm saying? And this ten-year anniversary is a defining moment to show how far we've come and how well we've bounced back, even though we still might be going through some hardship, we're still strong and we're showing the people a great thing."我们仍然能够体现作为一座城市、一个民族所拥有的复苏力和耐久力,我们携手共进,纪念在911事件中逝去的生命并代表他们活下去。我们赞颂的不是丧失而是生命,这是多么美好。十周年是展示我们已经前行得多远、恢复得多好的关键性时刻,即使我们日后仍可能遭遇艰难险阻,但我们是坚强的,我们将伟大展示给世人。 |