Katie Holmes‘ marriage to Tom Cruise has reportedly hit a rough patch. According to In Touch the couple, who married in Italy in 2006, are living separate lives. And while their relationship is in trouble, they’re letting their daughter Suri do whatever she wants. “Suri definitely calls all the shots,” a friend of the couple tells the magazine.有报道称凯蒂·赫尔姆斯和汤姆·克鲁斯的婚姻生活有矛盾。《In Touch》报道这对2006年步入婚姻殿堂的夫妻目前处于分居状态。而在他们感情进退维谷的时候,却让他们的女儿苏芮为所欲为。”苏芮对所有事情都要掌握绝对的控制权,“这对夫妇的一位好友告诉杂志说。
“Suri doesn’t have a set bedtime, and her parents treat her like an adult,” says the friend. Amazing — she’s only 4 years old but she’s allowed to stay up as late as she wants! They also let her wear makeup and high heels and reportedly spend $50,000 a month on clothes and toys!”苏芮没有固定的睡觉时间,她的父母把她当做成年人对待,“这位友人说。很神奇吧——她还只有4岁但是居然可以想多晚睡觉就多晚睡觉!他们还让小小年纪的她使用化妆品,穿高跟鞋,有报道称小苏芮每个月要花5万美元来买衣服和玩具!
Sounds like Hollywood has a new diva to deal with because while visiting Katie on the set of her latest film Jack And Jill she totally took charge. And if she wasn’t granted her request right away, she’d throw a fit. “在苏芮去凯蒂最新电影《杰克与吉尔》片场探班的时候,好莱坞里又出了一位”超难搞“美女,一切都要听她的,否则他就会大发脾气。
According to the insider, Tom, 48, and Katie’s devotion to Scientology is the reason that Suri’s so spoiled. The religion encourages parents to let their children make decisions for themselves.据内部人士表示,48岁的汤姆和凯蒂之所以这么宠着苏芮是因为他们都是科学论派的人。这种教派鼓励家长让孩子自己为自己的事情做决定。 |