The five ladies nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture at the 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards included two past winners, two past nominees and a young new comer. Halle Berry earned a nomination for her role as a woman with multiple personalities in "Frankie and Alice." Nicole Kidman received a nomination for her role in the film adaptation of the Tony Award-winning play "Rabbit Hole." Natalie Portman, Michelle Williams and 20-year-old rounded out the list.
第68届金球奖颁奖礼昨天已经落下帷幕 (点我回顾第68届金球奖完整获奖名单>>),之前角逐最佳剧情电影女主角的5位提名佳丽中,有2位前金球奖获奖人,2位前金球奖提名人和1位新晋90后明星。Halle Berry因主演电影《弗兰基与爱丽丝》(Frankie and Alice) 中患有多重人格分裂症的女人一角获得提名(除了主演该片外,Halle Berry还担当制片人,为了这部影片,她准备了十二年的时间)。 Nicole Kidman因出演托尼奖获奖片《兔子洞》(Rabbit Hole) 获提名。此外,Natalie Portman,Michelle Williams和年仅20岁的Jennifer Lawrence (这位可是90后哇…) 也位居最佳剧情电影女主角提名列表之上。
Of all the nominees, Natalie Portman has earned the most praise for her role in "Black Swan," in which she plays a tortured ballerina. This was her third Golden Globe nomination in 10 years. She won an award in 2005 for her supporting role in the motion picture "Closer." Most of the audience didn't seem surprised when her named was called, and she earned her second Golden Globe.
在所有提名人中,Natalie Portman凭借电影《黑天鹅》(Black Swan) 中精神扭曲的芭蕾舞演员一角,赢得最高呼声。这是她近10年来第三次被提名金球奖。在2005年她曾凭影片《偷心》(Closer) 捧得最佳电影女配角奖。对于大多数观众而言,当揭晓Natalie Portman为得奖人时,大家并没觉得有啥奇怪 (本来就没啥悬念,众望所归嘛…),而她也获得了人生的第二个金球奖。
Natalie Portman kept her acceptance speech simple, thanking her grandmother, her parents, her co-stars and her agent. Though she didn't say it outright, Natalie Portman publicly acknowledged her pregnancy.
Natalie Portman的获奖感言比较简单:感谢祖母,感谢父母,感谢搭档的演员们以及她的经纪人。另外,尽管她没有高调公布自己怀孕的消息,但也公开承认了。
角逐最佳剧情电影女主角 (Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama) 的五位佳丽分别是:
Natalie Portman "Black Swan" (winner)
Halle Berry "Frankie and Alice"
Nicole Kidman "Rabbit Hole"
Jennifer Lawrence "Winter's Bone"
Michelle Williams "Blue Valentine"
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