While American Idol fans have, of late, been caught up in Paula’s departure, Ellen’s arrival, and Simon’s will-he or won’t-he plans, judge Randy Jackson would like everyone to think about something else.
近日来,《美国偶像》的粉丝们都在关心诸如宝拉的退出、艾伦的加盟,以及西蒙的去留未决,身为评委的Randy Jackson却站出来表示大家应该多关心点儿别的。
Like, how about the contestants?
“People get sidetracked with [all the changes to the judging panel]," Jackson said Friday during a conference call with reporters. "Listen. There are contestants. Wait a minute, this is a singing competition. Wait a minute. Let’s also focus on what we’re judging and what the actual meat of the show really is. It’s about finding that next superstar talent.”
“This season, we’ve got some really good, bonafide, stand-in-your-shoes singers,” Jackson said. He also outlined his “big three” criteria for achieving success on the show: “undeniable talent, something that makes you unique, and you have to some star persona.”
Regarding the judges' panel, Jackson said he’s not going to believe any of the rumors about Simon Cowell's departure until he hears about it directly from Cowell himself. And as for Ellen's arrival, he said she'll share her expertise as a performer and entertainer, but with a fan’s perspective.
至于流言纷纷的评委去留问题,Randy说在听到西蒙亲口说自己退出之前,他才不会相信外面的流言纷纷。而对于艾伦的加入,Randy则保证她将把自己专业独到的演艺功底展现在美偶的舞台上,不会让粉丝们失望。 |