已经结束的《舞林争霸》第五季中有一支特别令人难忘的舞蹈,是在8进6的比赛中芭蕾舞者Melissa与现代舞者Ade合作的一段Tyce Diorio的编舞。据Tyce自己表示,这段舞蹈是他为了自己一位与乳腺癌病魔搏斗的朋友所创作。Melissa头缠染色围巾,饰演一名因癌症治疗失去了秀发的病人,她与Ade各自身着飘逸的白色衣衫,合着Maxwell的This Woman's Work翩翩起舞。独自的痛苦情感,两个人彼此的折磨挣扎和相互支持,都在极具张力的舞步和动作中一一展现,使得台上台下、观众评委,无不潸然泪下,泣不成声。在这一段超越了舞蹈本身的作品里,人们通过这力与美的结合,看到了乳腺癌和其它绝症患者的病痛,以及他们所爱之人所经历的情感折磨,唤起整个社会对乳腺癌的关注。
Melissa and Ade were given a contemporary dance by Tyce Diorio about a friend who battled breast cancer, and the dancers wrested all the emotion from the movement that the subject matter warranted.
Both clad in flowing white, Melissa's head wrapped in a scarf to suggest a chemotherapy patient who'd lost her hair, they'd break apart to suggest dealing with private emotions before diving back together, with Ade catching her in soaring leaps. There were also moments of even more overt pain and anger; at one point she flails her hands against him, her face contorted.
If the dance was intended to be a tearjerker, it did its job, and when the judges gushed it wasn't only with verbal praise.
"I think that has just shown me why I love dance so much," Nigel Lythgoe said. Then after a long pause, as if to collect himself, he explained, "Because it can express so many emotions without use of words."
He praised the dance as "one of the most memorable routines on this show. I felt it was extremely touching."
Guest judge Ellen DeGeneres went even further, saying "I feel so privileged that I got to witness that, and I'll always, always remember it. It was just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
After saying how moved she was, Mary Murphy brought it back to the dancers' performances. She said of Melissa, "You just flew into his arms with no care about your body . . . you had full trust in this partnership."
Mia Michaels was the one broke down completely, managing to get out "What an important piece of work," before briefly losing control of her emotions.
When she got a hold of herself, she said "How many millions and millions of women, people, if they have not experienced cancer first hand, have known someone to either fight it, or not fight it," before sharing that her father struggled with the disease. |