Actress Nicole Kidman sent a message of support to the Australian men's sailing team to bring home Olympic gold. The Others star sent a good luck message to Malcolm Page and Nathan Wilmot - and they scooped a gold medal just hours later. Page admits at first he rejected "the unknown number" on his cell phone before realising it was Kidman. He says, "I was getting breakfast and thought, 'Ah, I just don't want to talk to her today,' so I bumped it. Then two seconds later there was a message from Nicole wishing us good luck. I ended up returning her call. She was very happy." Page also claims Kidman was surprised to learn their boat was named The Australian, after the star's upcoming movie. He adds, "She was very surprised that we do have a tradition of naming our boats after her movies and she's just really stoked to be part of a team." Page and Wilmot have named previous boats after Kidman's films, including Days of Thunder and Dead Calm.
妮可·基德曼发送短信祝福澳大利亚男子帆船队为国夺金,几小时后他们真的获得了金牌!队员佩吉承认一开始他没有接这个“不认识的号码”打来的电话,但当妮可两秒钟后发来消息祝福他们好运的时候,他还是打了电话回去。妮可非常高兴,并且对于以她的新片《澳大利亚》为船命名感到喜出望外。澳大利亚帆船队的队员之前两条船的名字也都分别以妮可的电影《雷霆壮志》和《航越地平线》片名来命名,这已成为他们船队的传统,而妮可也已这种方式成为船队特殊的一员。 |