首先是,由小李子主演的电影《了不起的盖茨比》的主题曲,《Young and Beautiful》这首歌。这部电影中的点睛之笔无异于打雷姐(Lana Del Rey)为这部电影演唱的插曲,《Young And Beautiful》。这首歌的灵感正是来源于电影中的女主角。歌词采取了自问自答的方式,女子自问“如果我年华老去,容颜凋零,你是否会爱我如初?”又自答“我知道你会的。”配合歌曲中低沉又悲伤的情绪,歌词也是同样的出彩。网络上流传的版本很多,这里我们节选一个版本给大家赏析:
I've seen the world ,Done it all, had my cake now目睹世界,尽失初样
Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now金迷纸醉,靡靡奢华
Hot summer nights, mid-July仲夏夜茫,七月未央
When you and I were forever wild你我年少轻狂,不惧岁月漫长
The crazy days, the city lights纵情时光,华灯初上
The way you'd play with me like a child你我嬉戏疯狂,童稚之心难藏
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful当韶华逝去,容颜不再,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul当一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如初,任地老天荒?
I know you will, I know you will我深知你会,我深知你会
I know that you will我深知你的爱经久绵长
I've seen the world ,Done it all, had my cake now,这里的短语have my cake是短语have one's cake baked意为生活有办法, 生活优裕;获得成就。
He sought his fortune in Los Angeles then had his cake there.他在洛杉矶寻找出路,之后获得了成就。
接下来的这首歌也是在江湖中有着不少传说的歌曲,阿呆的《Some One Like You》某人如你,爱人如你。可能这个世上最悲伤的是,就是曾经相爱的另一半离开了,并且重新开始了新的生活,而自己还停留在泥淖里出不来吧。但是没关系,你走了,我还在,我会继续找一个,像你一样的人来代替你的位置。这首歌有一个文言文版的翻译,标题是《另寻沧海》,是不是已经觉得带感了?!
I heard, that your settled down.已闻君,诸事安康。
That you, found a girl and you’re married now.遇佳人,不久婚嫁。
I heard that your dreams came true.已闻君,得偿所想。
Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you.料得是,卿识君望。
Old friend, why are you so shy?旧日知己,何故张皇?
It ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lie.遮遮掩掩,欲盖弥彰。
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.客有不速,实非我所想。
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.避之不得,遑论与相抗。
I'd hoped you'd see my face& that you'd be reminded,异日偶遇,识得依稀颜。
That for me, it isn't over.再无所求,涕零而泪下。
Never mind, I'll find someone like you.毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。
I wish nothing but the best, for you too.抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。
Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"“情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜。”
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜,然。
You'd know, how the time flies.光阴常无踪,词穷不敢道荏苒。
Only yesterday, was the time of our lives.欢笑仍如昨,今却孤影忆花繁。
We were born and raised in a summery haze.彼时初执手,夏雾郁郁湿衣衫。
Bound by the surprise of our glory days.自缚旧念中,诧喜荣光永不黯。
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.客有不速,实非我所想。
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.避之不得,遑论与相抗。
I'd hoped you'd see my face& that you'd be reminded,异日偶遇,识得依稀颜。
That for me, it isn't over.再无所求,涕零而泪下。
Never mind, I'll find someone like you.毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。
I wish nothing but the best, for you too.抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。
Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:勿忘昨日,亦存君言于肺腑。
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"“情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜。”
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.情堪隽永,也善心潮掀狂澜,然。
Nothing compares, no worries or cares.无可与之相提,切莫忧心同挂念。
Regret's and mistakes they're memories made.糊涂遗恨难免,白璧微瑕方可恋。
Who would have known how bitter sweet this would taste?此中酸甜苦咸,世上谁人堪相言?
Never mind, I'll find someone like you.毋须烦恼,终有弱水替沧海。
I wish nothing but the best, for you too.抛却纠缠,再把相思寄巫山。
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited中的the blue uninvited,是难过的,不速之客。Blue做形容词除了可以意为蓝色的,也可以意为忧郁的,悲伤地。
What would you do if you see a blue elephant?如果你看到了一头蓝色的大象你要怎么做(如果你看到了一头忧郁的大象也怎么做)?
Comfort him/her.安慰他、她。
说完了抒情说摇滚。这首是传说中最会骗钱,最会玩的Coldplay乐队的经典之作,歌曲的名字是一句西班牙语,没错,这首歌就是《Viva la Vida》(《生命万岁》)。Coldplay是英国摇滚乐坛进入新世纪之后崛起的最受欢迎的摇滚乐队之一,迄今为止,Coldplay共获得八项格莱美奖。这里为大家节选的是一个霸气外露天下唯我独尊的翻译版本:
I used to rule the world昔日万邦孤为王
Seas would rise when I gave the word四海沉浮吾独断
Now in the morning I sleep alone今朝悚悟广寒中
Sweep the streets I used to own茕茕孑立如孤魂
I used to roll the dice昔日生杀吾人掌
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes谈笑声中枭敌首
Listen as the crowd would sing:略听草民高声赞
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"成王败寇皆正义!
One minute I held the key黄袍加身掌权柄
Next the walls were closed on me万丈高墙孤自囚
And I discovered that my castles stand枉有阿房三千里
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand根如酥盐碎沙砾
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing圣城钟声惊孤魂
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing骁骑战歌讥吾行
Be my mirror my sword and shield诤友忠谏与勇将
My missionaries in a foreign field旨谕番邦诸王知!
For some reason I can't explain天子寂然事终焉
Once you go there was never,never an honest word君可知?为王称孤,绝尽诤言终愚己
That was when I ruled the world此诚寡人为王一世鉴
It was the wicked and wild wind滚滚红尘如浪潮
Blew down the doors to let me in寡人逐流如朽竹
Shattered windows and the sound of drums贼逆兵祸百业零
People couldn't believe what I'd become世人皆惊英雄殁
Revolutionaries wait弑君志士皆翘首
For my head on a silver plate血祭孤首谢干支
Just a puppet on a lonely string如若傀儡随弦舞
Oh who would ever want to be king?谁愿称王百年孤
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing圣城钟声惊孤魂
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing骁骑战歌讥吾行
Be my mirror my sword and shield诤友忠谏与勇将
My missionaries in a foreign field旨谕番邦诸王知:
For some reason I can't explain天子寂然事终焉
I know Saint Peter won't call my name圣人离弃吾自知
Never an honest word绝尽诤言终愚己
But that was when I ruled the world此诚寡人为王一世鉴
However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.然而,如今对许多美国人而言,周末工作已不幸成为惯例而不是特例。
Scientists have always been aware of how fear can rule our lives and make us ill.科学家们从来都知道恐惧是如何严重影响我们的生活并使我们患病的。
常见的短语有,as a rule通常,相当于 as usual;Rules and regulations规章制度;rule over统治,支配;golden rule金科玉律,指导原则,黄金法则;majority rule少数服从多数原则。
Scientists, as a rule, follow an accepted code of conduct.通常科学家们遵循一个公认的行动规范。
I only wanted to have fun愚趣唯我求
Learning to fly, learning to run天地任熬游。
I let my heart decide the way年轻正锦时
When I was young依心而行,随缘而适。
Deep down I must have always known其实我已知
That is would be inevitable万事皆注定
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay刑发之间
And bear my soul浮生涟漪,心神不宁
I know I'm not the only one芸芸众生,非我一人
Who regrets the things they've done心怀愧疚,抱憾终身。
Sometimes I just feel it's only me忽而顿觉,只我一人
Who can stand the reflections that they see情堪回首,悠悠我心。
I wish I could live a little more唯有希冀,赠我时日。
Look up to the sky, not just the floor仰天远眺,放下执念。
I feel like my life is flashing by人生匆匆,无力追回
And all I can do is watch and cry任其流逝,黯然心悲
I miss the air, I miss my friends念旧日,思故友
I miss my mother; I miss it when忆慈母,追流年
Life was a party to be thrown人生曾繁华如是
But that was a million years ago恰在灯火阑珊时
When I walk around all of the streets漫步街头,旧地重游
Where I grew up and found my feet成长记忆,涌上心头。
They can't look me in the eye时过境迁,无人回眸
It's like they're scared of me奈何心门,都惧来扣。
I try to think of things to say劲回想与闲聊
Like a joke or a memory趣谈抑或往事。
But they don't recognize me now所视之处,物是人非
In the light of day艳阳正当时。
A million years ago灯火阑珊时
最后这首歌,《All About That Bass》又名《姐就是不想减肥》的神曲,横扫金曲榜和KTV店,因为唱出了不少人的心声吧……(中英歌词请看视频)
英语君表示,文言文版的歌词果然更容易给人留下深刻的印象呢。这大概就是我们几千年底蕴的美好之处,不论是蒹葭苍苍,还是吴楚东南坼,那些美丽的句子穿越千年带来的感动都是依旧不变的。无论是英语还是汉语,都是我们用来感受这些美好的工具,当然都要好好来学习啦。 |