小编导读:本周《中国好声音》第四季再爆优质好歌曲!19岁的美国华裔小伙儿刘伟男,凭借轻快的嗓音和慵懒的调调,将经典老歌《Lemon Tree》演绎的别有味道,难怪四位导师为他又展开了一场“先声夺人”的疯抢!
I GOT NOTHING TO DO= 注意这里O的发音,更接近美音了,但是从整首歌的发音来看,主唱更偏向英音。尽管如此,一些英国歌手也会这样,将O的发音发的很夸张(比如乔治·迈克尔)。
TO CHANGE MY POINT OF VIEW= Your point of view是对某样事情的看法。
EVERYTHING WILL HAPPEN=他当下的状态并不”乐观“,"nothing ever happens"相对的,这里"everything will happen"说明一切都会变好,隐喻着“我将会走出阴霾开心起来,我会向前看。”
愚人花园(Fool's Garden)原版MV:
There’s been a lot of speculation about the meaning of this song, particularly the meaning of the lemon tree. There are two powerful opposed metaphors in this song: the blue sky and the lemon tree. The blue sky is quite obvious, it represents a sunny day (a sky without clouds), and so it stands for happiness and optimism. The lemon tree is not a typical metaphor, but usually people take it as a sign for bitterness (lemon is acid, sour, bitter, and a lemon tree has lots of lemons), and so it would stand for sadness, pessimism, the opposite of blue sky.关于这首歌的深意各种猜测五花八门,尤其是关于“柠檬树”意象的所指。在这首歌中,有两个强有力又相反的隐喻:“蓝天”和“柠檬树”。“蓝天”显然易见,代表的是万里无云的晴天,所以它代表的是幸福和乐观。“柠檬树”就不是个典型性的隐喻了,但是通常人们将其看做辛酸、苦味的象征(柠檬很酸很苦,而柠檬树上长满了柠檬),所以这里,“柠檬树”代表了悲伤、悲观,和“蓝天”是截然相反的。
But everything makes sense if we know one fact about this song: The singer (Peter Freudenthaler) had a French girlfriend who died in a car accident... she crashed against a lemon tree. So yes, the lemon tree stands for bitterness, sadness, it’s the opposite of blue sky, but now we can easily understand why.但是,如果我们了解了这首歌一件真相后,一切就都说得通了:歌手(Peter Freudenthaler,愚人花园的主唱)的法国女友在车祸中去世了……她撞向了一棵柠檬树。所以是的,柠檬树在这里代表了苦涩和悲伤,和“蓝天”意味截然不同,而且我们很容易理解原因所在了。
《Lemon Tree》几乎就是愚人花园的代表——这首1996的老歌,在华语乐坛也不乏实力唱将翻唱。知名度最高的就是王若琳和苏慧伦的翻唱版本,让我们也一起品味下不一样的《Lemon Tree》吧!