摇滚乐坛进入新世纪之后崛起的最受欢迎的摇滚乐队之一,他们秉承了英式摇滚乐队一贯的风格,成为了英国新一代乐队中的杰出代表。Coldplay早期的音乐风格令人联想到Radio Head,Jeff Buckley,U2和特拉维斯等。从《降落伞》开始,酷玩的音乐风格还受到其它来源的影响,包括《心血来潮》中的Echo & the Bunnymen,凯特·布什和George Harrison;《XY密码》中的约翰尼·卡什,发电厂乐队;《玩酷人生》中的Blur、Arcade Fire,My Bloody Valentine。2000年,他們以單曲《Yellow》漸獲關注,隨後發行首張專輯《降落伞》,初試啼聲便在國際間大放異彩,並以該專輯獲水星音乐奖提名。
Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.
I came along,
I wrote a song for you,
And all the things you do,
And it was called "Yellow".
So then I took my turn,
Oh what a thing to have done,
And it was all "Yellow."
Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into something beautiful,
You know, you know I love you so,
You know I love you so.
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