Emilia是来自瑞典的漂亮姑娘,18岁便开始了自己风格独特的词曲创作, 从一个小姑娘的视角和观念出发,记述豆蔻年华的女孩敏感、自信、迷惑的种种的不服输, 她的声音更是灵性毕现又不乏童真。单曲Big Big World 写的就是她揣摩一个小女生的心理, 描述迷失在茫茫人海中,为离别的爱情而困惑与思想交汇心头的感觉。这是她在大学读书 的时候写下的,她抓住了年轻人面对现实世界的孤离于挫折感。
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feeling inside
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen
Why did it all have to end
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
I have your arms around me ooooh like fire
But when I open my eyes
You're gone.
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much.
I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do feel I will miss you much
Miss you much.
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