歌手Pitbull与拉丁天后詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jenifer Lopez)以及巴西歌手克劳迪娅-莱特(Claudia Leitte)合唱的歌曲《We Are One (Ole Ola)》定为本届世界杯足球赛的主题曲。
We Are One (Ole Ola)
Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky Jogue lá no Alto)
挥起你的旗帜空中呼啦啦飘扬(风中旗帜飘扬 没有极限)
And wave them side to side (side to side Lado a Lado)
把他们挥遍(左右挥动 排排共舞)
Show the world where you're from(show them where you're from)
告诉全世界你是何方神圣 (告诉他们你来自哪里)
Show the world we are one (one love, life)
告诉全世界我们早已凝聚为一体 (穷尽一生只为这份爱)
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
Olê olê, olê olá
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