沪江英乐讯 I'm From Barcelona不是来自西班牙,而是来自瑞典,乐队成员多达26人,不过大多数人都只参与合唱。他们的歌轻快爽朗,听着就让人心情大好。这首We Are From Barcelona旋律像沐浴着田野上的微风和阳光,好听得让人想立刻跑到郊外去散步。 Artist:I'm From Barcelona Song:We Are From Barcelona
I'm gonna sing this song with all of my friends
and we're I'm from Barcelona
Love is a feeling that we don't understand
but we're gonna give it to ya
We'll aim for the stars
We'll aim for your heart when the night comes
And we'll bring you love
You'll be one of us when the night comes 【达人音乐坊】 更多好听英乐,一起加入分享吧>> 【沪江英乐之声】畅游音乐世界,抒写美丽心情>> 【中高级口译暑期班】想备战今年秋季的中高口考试?还是想好好利用两个月的时间充
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