Artist:Queen Latifah
Song:I Know Where I've Been
There's a light
In the darkness
Though the night
Is black as my skin
There's a light
Burning bright
Showing me the way
But i know where i've been
There's a cry
In the distance
It's a voice
That comes from deep within
There's a cry
Asking why
I pray the answer's up ahead
'Cause i know where i've been
There's a road
We've been travelin'
Lost so many on the way
But the riches
Will be plenty
Worth the price we
Had to pay
There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle
We have yet to win
And there's pride
In my heart
'Cause i know
Where i'm going
And i know where i've been
There's a road
We must travel
There's a promise
We must make
'Cause the riches
Will be plenty
Worth the risk
And chances that we take
There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle
We have yet to win
Use that pride
In our hearts
To lift us up
To tomorrow
'Cause just to sit still
Would be a sin
I know it, i know it
I know where i'm going
And lord knows i know..
Where i've been
Oh! When we win,
I'll give thanks to my god
'Cause i know where i've been
看完《发胶》已经有好几周,始终没有去下载电影的OST。老实说歌舞剧里头,它不算是出色的那类,尤其是跟讲述同年代的Dreamgirl相比。原先会关注,也不过是看着某个小朋友的面子。但某帅哥还是一如既往地不擅长唱歌跳舞,顶上一撮小卷毛纯粹的大花瓶角色。女主角虽然可爱,但也不见得有多多才多艺,跳舞的样子倒让我想起肥胖版Monica的舞动。况且两个人的感情戏也很没有看头,人物的性格心理都还没好好发展,就已经莫名其妙爱上了。这也是电影比较贪心想要一口吃成个胖子的后果,造成了这一条线索削弱不少。然而却不是坏事。老一辈的演员们个个出彩。硬汉大叔男扮女装成肥胖大妈,正直律师摇身一变成狡诈舞后,各有各可爱之处。整个观影过程中让我笑和流泪的桥段,还真的都是集中在大人们身上。比方玩笑商店里面的种种笑料;比方下面这首歌《I Know Where I've Been》——实在是太赞的一首歌了!
喜欢的英文歌,大都没有生僻单词,却能深深打动人心。这支I Know Where I've Been属于严格符合这个标准的类型。加之它极其贴切地出现在电影桥段里面,用了一个恰如其分的女声演唱。不急不缓的旋律,柔美的合声,流动的画面,配合得天衣无缝。个人以为这是电影最棒的一个亮点,虽然不及其它那些华美活力。它通过旋律歌词传达出来的讯息却是无可比拟的。