男主音的嗓音有些低落和沙哑,但足够温和。女声梦境低吟的呓语,偶尔一个委婉的变调,也像是用忧伤抚平忧伤的徒劳举动。如同那些沉溺于暧昧空气中的花朵,你也会在如许缓慢、纤细而伤感的声音旅程中迷失自己。在这样慵懒的有点薄薄阳光的下午,听他们的声音,缓慢精巧,宛如在心中开一朵小花。 欢迎推荐您喜欢的歌曲,我们一起分享! L'Altra - Better Than Bleeding
And your heart breaks
Tonight or another night
Red handed and planning
So smooth operation
Like a drive-by
But better than that
Earthquake and car crash
No danger
It gets lighter since you've been stitched up
So smile and say and wave goodbye
All at the same time
Clearly recommended rest
No days, no dates
Only seasons
Better than bleeding
No welcoming
Better than bleeding
No helping
No danger
No welcoming
Better than bleeding
So smile and say and wave goodbye
All at the same time
Better than bleeding
Better than that