Song:If I Were You
You seem to find the dark when everything is bright
You look for all thats wrong instead of all thats right
Does it feel good to you to rain on my parade
You never say a word unless its to complain
Its driving me insane
If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars for all that I have
If I were you
Look what surrounds you now
More than you ever dreamed
Have you forgotten just how hard it used to be
So whats it going to take
For you to realize
It all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time
If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars above
Tell the world I love that I do
If I were you
So whats it going to take
For you to realize
It all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time
If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars above
For the world I love
Take a breath and enjoy the view
Live the life that I've wanted to
If I were you
Hoobastank,一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的后Grunge乐队,成立于1995年,由主音Doug Robb 、吉他手Dan Estrin 及鼓手Chris Hesse 组成,自去年为“MTV声援南亚”慈善音乐会演出后将再次返回曼谷为MTV亚洲大奖出力。首张同名专辑没有让他们红起来,直到《The Reason》的推出,该专辑发行四个半月后就位居排行榜三甲,他的知名度从此飞速上扬。而《The Reason 》更成为史上第二首获最多人合法下载的单曲。说真的现在已经很少像这样类型的团体冲到排行榜,毕竟现在已不是摇滚乐流行的年代,普遍充斥的饶舌和R&B占据所有人的视听,那一直不停碎碎念的歌真像魔音穿脑哩!当饶舌摇滚乐如火如荼发酵时,Hoobastank 不为所动的走自己的路,这样的独特差异果然吸引众多乐迷,更轰动整个美国西岸俱乐部。98年该团自掏腰包发行首张专辑《they sure don't make basketball short like they used to》,不论是在演出后贩卖或当地零售店里都很畅销,透过网络的无国界效应,喜欢他们的乐迷甚至远及英国、以色列、苏联、或巴西,才短短几个月唱片已卖个精光!与主流名厂ISLAND签约推出首张同名专辑《Hoobastank》,由 jim wirt〈incubus/重击合唱团、fiona apple/费欧娜艾波〉制作,jay baumgardner 混音,让已厌倦千篇一律饶舌摇滚乐的人重享美好的旋律共鸣。万众期待的最新专辑《Every Man For Himself》中的第一主打《If I Were You》也已高居各大之声播放率榜首。 专辑曲目:
1. The Rules
2. Born to Lead
3. Moving Forward
4. Inside of You
5. First of Me
6. Good Enough
7. If I Were You
8. Without A Fight
9. Don't Tell Me
10. Look Where We Are
11. Say the Same
12. If Only
13. More than A Memory
14. Finally Awake
15. Waiting