1. 德普啊德普……
Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter is the nadir of his post–Jack Sparrow approach to character — a funny voice, a series of flourish-y gestures, and a collection of costume pieces. But where Sparrow is a character grounded in something deeper than the surface-level whimsy, the Hatter is all frippery.德普叔扮演的疯帽匠成为其杰克船长后最糟糕的演绎——杰克船长的那种演绎方式:滑稽的声线、一系列华而不实的肢体语言、还有一堆浮夸的服装(已经行不通了)……杰克船长在奇葩浮夸的表面下,是个很有内涵的角色,但是在疯帽匠身上,我们只看到低俗……
So the plot of Alice Through the Looking Glass is that the "villains" are trying to keep the universe from imploding, while the heroine risks destroying everything in the name of saving Johnny Depp. I'm not sure even Johnny Depp would make that trade-off.所以《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》的情节就是——“反派”试着阻止宇宙聚爆,但是英雄们却顶着“拯救德普"的名义冒险毁灭一切。我不确定德普会赞成这交易……
2. 饱和度太高,鲜艳得扎眼
Wonderland was a little too gray — or maybe it just seemed that way because the film was converted to 3D in post-production, which darkens the image — Bobin is hypersaturated in a way that makes it occasionally garish and hard to look at, like someone turned the color levels way, way up.仙境有一丢丢偏灰暗,或也许它只是因为电影转换成3D的后期制作而导致影像偏暗,导演波宾把影像的饱和度调太高了,偶尔看着扎眼,鲜艳的叫人无法直视==好像有人把色度调高了好多。
3. 好莱坞对米娅做了什么?!
For the most part, Hollywood doesn't know what to do with this very real, rare talent. Often Wasikowska is tossed into girlfriend or wife roles, and when she's not, she's playing Alice in these movies, which mostly ask her to smile with wonderment at things that aren't all that wonderful.电影大部分时间里,好莱坞都不知道拿这个真实罕见的天才咋办。通常米娅·华希科沃斯卡都既定女友或者妻子的角色,但是这次不了,这次她饰演的却是爱丽丝——她见到仙境都该露出惊喜的微笑……然而看着一点都不惊喜。
4. 打教授怀旧牌?不好意思我们不买单
Through the Looking Glass has the unfortunate distinction of marking Alan Rickman's final onscreen appearance — if you count him voicing the Caterpillar (now butterfly) as an "onscreen appearance." He sounds bored.艾伦·里克曼在大荧幕上最后的一次出演——《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》这招取得的效果却不尽人意……咳咳,如果他为毛毛虫(现在是蝴蝶了)配音算得上“荧幕出演”的话……可是!听着真的有点无聊哎!
5. 若你能穿越时空,应不应该杀死婴儿希特勒?
I started giggling almost uncontrollably around the film's midpoint, when I realized it contains an accidental plot on the ethics of killing baby Hitler; Looking Glass simply subs in the villainous Red Queen for history's most famous dictator.我几乎是不由自主在电影中间就开始咯咯笑了,当我意识到它包含杀害婴儿希特勒的伦理学意外情节;这部影片中邪恶的红皇后只是历史上最著名独裁者的替代者。 |