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发表于 2016-8-6 08:44:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        1.) The voices of the members of Tony Stark’s Iron Legion all belong to James Spader, the voice of Ultron. Over time, their voice goes from being overly robotic to being more Ultron as the master machine takes full control.托尼·斯塔克的机器人军团全部交由奥创(詹姆斯·斯派德饰)指挥。随着奥创的掌控,这些机器人开始变得完全听命于奥创。
        2.) Ultron meets the Maximoff twins while he’s draped in a red cloak/scarf. This is tribute to the alter ego of Ultron in the Marvel comics – The Crimson Cowl.奥创与马克西莫夫双子(红女巫和快银)相遇之时身披了一件红色斗篷。这暗指了奥创在漫威世界里的一位密友—绯红斗篷(钢铁侠2里面托尼斯达克的竞争对手贾斯汀·汉墨之女,漫威反派)。



        3.) Dr. Helen Cho has appeared in Marvel Comics before, but not often. She is the late mother of Amadeus Cho, a teenage super-genius who was friends with Hulk and Hercules.海伦博士(Dr. Helen Cho)在漫威世界出现过,但出场率不高。她是小神童(朝鲜裔高智商少年)已故的母亲。小神童与绿巨人、大力神海格力斯是好友。
        4.) During Stan Lee’s cameo, he is hanging out with actual World War II veterans. Some state that they may have been old war buddies with Steve Rogers.斯坦·李客串出演配角,出场时他和真正的二战老兵呆在一起。一些人认为他们可能是美国队长的老战友。
        5.) While at Avengers Tower, the camera pans by a statue erected in New York City. That statue is a tribute to all emergency personnel who were the first responders during the “Battle of New York” in The Avengers.复联大厦的摄像头拍摄到矗立在纽约市的一座雕像,该雕像旨在向复联“纽约之战”(复联第一部)中第一批紧急救援人员致敬。
        6.) When Scarlet Witch gives Captain America his flashback vision, the band in the USO dance hall is the Rob Thomas Players. Rob Thomas is the comic book genius who succeeded Stan Lee as the main writer and editor for a number of Marvel comics such as “Avengers.” Thomas is also responsible for creating Ultron and Vision.红女巫对美国队长施展回放时,我们可以看到担任USO舞厅乐队弹奏的是罗伯·托马斯。漫画天才罗伯·托马斯继任斯坦·李担任《复仇者联盟》等漫威漫画的主要创作者和编辑。奥创和幻视这两个角色就是由他创作的。
        7.) Yes, the Hulkbuster armor is nicknamed “Veronica” which is a reference to “Archie” Comics. Veronica was the rival of Betty in those comics, and Hulk actually used to have a love interest named Betty Ross.没错,“维罗妮卡”是反浩克装甲的昵称,影射了漫画《阿尔奇》。在漫画中维罗妮卡是贝蒂的死对头,而实际上绿巨人曾对一位叫贝蒂·罗斯的人有爱慕之情。
        8.) During the failed attempts at Bruce Banner and Black Widow trying to be romantic, the song “I Can’t Get Started” plays time and time again. It’s a song that details frustrated attempts to get a romance going.布鲁斯·班纳好几次都没能和黑寡妇亲热上,每回都会响起歌曲《I Can’t Get Started》。这首歌描述的就是试图恋爱但是挫败连连。
        9.) Speaking of romance, when Vision rescues Scarlet Witch from the floating city, they slow down and exchange a deep look. Marvel Comics’ fans may remember that they were a couple and even married at one point.提到罗曼史,幻视将红女巫从浮城中救起时,慢镜头下,他们两深深对视了一眼。漫威的漫迷可能还记得幻视和红女巫曾在一起过,还结过婚。



        10.) Yes, the dude who was helping Nick Fury in the helicarrier was the same guy that stood up to Brock Rumlow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.没错,在天空母舰上帮助独眼侠尼克·弗瑞的和在《美国队长2:冬日战士》中反抗海德拉的是同一个人(就是那个小卷毛)。
        11.) After Jarvis becomes Vision, Tony Stark implants the new FRIDAY software into his Iron Man armor.贾维斯变身幻视之后,托尼·斯塔克将新的“星期五”软件植入他的钢铁侠战衣。
        12.) In the comics, Vision is able to intangibly take his hands/arms into the bodies of his enemies and disrupt their heart.漫画中,幻视可以将手伸进敌人的身体,扰乱敌人的心。
        13.) In case you blinked and missed it, Black Widow gets a text at Hawkeye’s newborn and there is the baby’s name written – Nathaniel Pietro Barton. Not only is Nathaniel a male version of Natasha, but Pietro is the name of the fallen Quicksilver, who died saving Hawkeye.以免你眨眼错过了不知道,鹰眼的新生宝宝名为纳撒尼尔·彼得洛·巴顿。名字里的纳撒尼尔是黑寡妇娜塔莎名字的男版,而彼得洛则是为了纪念为了救鹰眼而死去的快银。

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