自诩行侠仗义、绝不伤害人命的劫匪帕克(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)带领同伙洗劫俄亥俄一座游乐场,谁知最后关头却遭背叛,身受重伤,命悬一线。侥幸逃生的帕克迅速从医院逃出,他有条不紊搞来现金,准备假证件。为了讨回自己应得的那份钱,他查到同伙梅兰德(麦克·切克里斯 Michael Chiklis 饰)等人的消息,一路尾随前来。与此同时,有着芝加哥黑手党背景的梅兰德等人察觉到帕克的行踪和动机,也唆使杀手追杀这个难缠的对手。围绕着这笔不义之财,交织着人性欲望的杀戮随即展开……选段中,死里逃生后,帕克决定复仇,让他们付出应有的代价。他打听到以前的同伙正准备做一票前所未有的大劫案。于是,他物色了一个不太符合他标准的新搭档——美艳、精明充满野心的莱思莉(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 饰)。
Leslie: This Italianate villa was built three years ago. It's only $17 million. If it were older and one mile down the beach, it'd be $35 million. You like?
Parker: Mmm-hmm.
Leslie: You know, the furnishings are all antique and they could be available for, you know... for the right price. So, married?
Parker: Once. She passed away.
Leslie: Oh. I'm sorry.
Parker: What about you? What does your husband do?
Leslie: Oh. Divorced. Eleven months. He was a salesman. He sold me... the whole dream. I thought he was something. His Ferrari was rented.
Parker: At least it wasn't stolen.
Leslie: Well, he declared bankruptcy before the divorce so I get to help him pay off his debt while he lives there in Key West with his new girlfriend. And I do mean "girl." This one right over here, this has been on the market for about a year for about $27.5, but if you make an offer now, you could probably get it for about $19.5... ish.
Parker: It's a good price.
Leslie: This is, obviously, more of a neighborhood. The one here, with the screen of palm trees, this house sold, about two months ago, for $1.2 million. Mr. Rodrigo says he wants to renovate. Can you believe it? It's obviously a tear-down.
Parker: Mr. Rodrigo?
Leslie: Yeah. Amber sold it to him. You know, I think he said he's from Texas, too.
Parker: I'll have to meet him some day.
Leslie: You know, the one nice thing about it is the Intracoastal's right down here. Wraps right around the houses. It's really beautiful. See what I mean? The Intracoastal widens out here. So you lived in San Antonio your whole life?
Parker: Yeah. Since I was about three. Tell the truth, I was born in Ecuador. My folks are both in the oil business down there.
Leslie: Ecuador? Really?
Parker: That's what it says on my birth certificate.