"Django Unchained" is making its way to Chinese theaters this week, but the version of director Quentin Tarantino's New Orleans-shot "spaghetti Southern" seen by Chinese audiences will be slightly different than that seen by American audiences. Specifically, it will be less bloody.
In an interview with China's Southern Metropolis Daily newspaper -- and reported on by The Hollywood Reporter -- Zhang Miao, the director of Sony Pictures' Chinese branch, said Tarantino has agreed to "slight adjustments" to the film. That includes lessening the amount of blood in the film and making it a duller red than the crimson gouts that American audiences saw. It was unclear what technologies would be used to make the adjustments.
The film -- which is Tarantino's first to play in mainland China -- will apparently be otherwise unaltered, as its 165-minute running time is the same as that of the U.S. version. The original version of the film has already played in Hong Kong, which has a ratings and censorship system independent of the mainland's.
沪江娱乐:《被解放的姜戈》原定于4月11日在中国内地上映,但是这部由鬼才导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导的西部暴力美学片在中国上映前夕因“技术问题”被紧急叫停。据报道,昆汀本人也同意对一些血腥场面在内的场景做“轻微调整”。对于此次紧急叫停,影院也对买到票的观众做了退票处理。中影还通知各大影院:如果放映会招致中影公司的严厉处罚。 |