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《霍比特人》试映遭批 彼得•杰克逊回击媒体(预告片)









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发表于 2016-8-6 08:34:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Kiwi director Peter Jackson has hit back at criticism of the faster frame rates he's using to shoot his two Hobbit films, saying he's "not going to stop".“彼得大帝”最近不太高兴——新西兰导演彼得·杰克逊日前首度开腔回击了媒体对他的新作《霍比特人》试映片花的批评:尽管该片采用的每秒48帧技术遭到批评,杰克逊表示“他不打算妥协”。
        One film website said "everyone hated it" after Jackson previewed 10 minutes of his first Hobbit film, An Unexpected Journey, to industry experts and media in the US.在业界专家和媒体齐聚的电影放映业展会上,杰克逊曝光了《霍比特人:意外旅程》的十分钟试映片花。会后,某电影网站称“高帧率什么的最讨厌了”。
        Shot at 48 frames per second rather than the normal 24, Badass Digest said the footage "has that soap opera look you get from badly calibrated TVs at Best Buy".分为上下两部的《霍比特人》采用了每秒48帧的帧率替代常规的每秒24帧进行拍摄,有刻薄的媒体发表评论:“那画面看起来就像是你从电器城买回来一台调校得不好的电视机,用它来播肥皂剧的效果。”
        But Jackson told Entertainment Weekly people should bite their tongues until they see the entire film.而杰克逊向《娱乐周刊》表示,当他们看完整部影片,就知道什么叫哑口无言了。
        "There can only ever be a real reaction, a truthful reaction, when people actually have a chance to see a complete narrative on a particular film," he said.“在把这部电影完整地从头看到尾后,观众只可能有这一个反应,这会是发自内心的。”他说。
        He admitted the new frame rates took a while to get used to.同时他也承认了这项高帧率的新技术的确需要一点时间去适应。
        "At first it's unusual because you've never seen a movie like this before. It's literally a new experience, but you know, that doesn't last the entire experience of the film-not by any stretch - 10 minutes or so," Jackson said.“首先,它的确不是一部寻常的电影,因为以往从来没有电影用这样的帧率拍过。这将是个全新的体验,而且你不会需要太久时间去适应和习惯,大概十分钟左右你就将完全接受这种体验了。”
        "Nobody is going to stop," he said. "This technology is going to keep evolving."“我们都不会放弃使用这项技术的,”杰克逊表示,“它在未来将日益成熟和进步。”
        When asked what he had to say to fans who didn't like the new frame rates, Jackson replied: "I can't say anything. Just like I can't say anything to someone who doesn't like fish. You can't explain why fish tastes great and why they should enjoy it."在被问及想对那些不喜欢这种高帧率的观众说什么时,杰克逊回答:“我无话可说。就像你不能去对一个不爱吃鱼的人大谈鱼的美味以及为什么你该去享受它。”
        Introducing the clips, Jackson said the human eye no longer saw individual pictures under the faster speed, but a steady stream of clear images.在介绍这部电影时,杰克逊表示,在更高的帧率下“画面更加流畅、更加有真实感;视觉效果也更加柔和。”
        The Hollywood Reporter said the clarity Jackson described was visible in the presentation, but because the clips were described as "a work in progress", Warners did not screen footage that was fully colour-corrected or had completed visual effects.《好莱坞报道》称杰克逊的观点表达得非常明确,但由于试映片花还只是“半成品”,现在媒体所见的片段还没有经过最终的后期视觉效果处理。
        The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is due for release on December 13 and will be released in six different formats: 2D, 3D and iMax 3D - each in 24 and 48 frame rates.《霍比特人:意外旅程》将于今年12月13日上映,并将在影院分六种版本播出:2D、3D和iMax 3D分别都有24帧版和48帧版。


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