Marvel's "The Avengers" opened with a $200.3 million dollar weekend -- the biggest domestic debut ever. (Poor "Deathly Hallows, Part 2" got left in the dust with its paltry $169.2 million haul.) While the official tally for the weekend won't be determined until Monday morning, as long as Sunday's estimate holds steady, then "The Avengers" would become the first movie to make over $200 million in a single weekend.
Adding to the $441.5 million overseas take from last week, the superhero blockbuster has now amassed a worldwide total of $641.8 million. Call us crazy, but we smell a sequel. The release of "Avengers" kick-starts the summer movie season, and if a new box-office record is the opening salvo, it will be a hard fought battle for movies like "The Dark Knight Rises."
沪江娱乐快讯:《复仇者联盟》来势凶猛啊!上周末一上映,仅三天就疯狂吸金两亿,各种打破记录。现在加上上周4.4亿美元的票房,一周总票房已经达到6.4亿!不管你是怎么想,我们是觉得续集已经是板上钉钉了。至于票房纪录什么的,《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》之流的要小心啦! |