It’s official! Robert Pattinson’s ‘Water for Elephants’ director Francis Lawrence will direct ‘Catching Fire’! Is he going to cast R-Patz as the handsome Finnick Odair?
Finnick O’dair is described in Catching Fire to be very tall, have dreamy eyes, a beautiful head of hair and have many women vying for his heart. Robert Pattinson definitely fits the profile.
Lionsgate offered Francis Lawrence the open director position for the Hunger Games sequel — and considering he’s worked with Rob before on Water for Elephants – we wouldn’t be surprised if he brought him on for Catching Fire.
Yes, The Hunger Games franchise has been very public about keeping away from Twilight, but I think it still could be a possibility.
We can only dream!
沪江娱乐快讯:官方消息!曾与罗伯特帕丁森合作过《大象的眼泪》的导演弗朗西斯·劳伦斯正式被钦定为《饥饿游戏2》的导演,那么是不是帕丁森同学会获得出演剧中大帅哥Finnick的机会呢?剧中的Finnick被形容为高大,拥有梦幻般的双眸,一头健康的秀发,N多女性围着他天天转——这不就是在说帕丁森同学么?无论如何可能性总是有的,让我们拭目以待吧! |