川川觉得《裂缝》是一个关于勇气和懦弱的故事。时时撒谎的Miss.G看起来无畏又坦诚。不曾在寄宿制学校外住过却看似拥有传奇的经历并时刻准备继续环游世界。在极力创造的安全的小世界中,突然闯入了真正的公主。她的渴望被撩拨,懦弱却在面具背后瑟瑟发抖。Eva Green将Miss.G的向往、恐惧、倾慕和挣扎诠释得很美。
-Now,a story about Africa,I think. The last remains of the First Mate. Mr.Riley I believe his name was. He died in a mandrake swamp on the way to the congo.We were touring in a steamer but he wanted to take a canoe and explore deeper into the lagoon.A fascinating pursuit,but a pleasure to be indulged with caution,for you are certain to come across crocodiles.Taken,he was,right out of the canoe.It was the case of "here one minute,gone the next".Foolish man.Probably spent his last moments wondering why,having reached point of folly...
-...he need have gilded the lily by fooling around in mangrove swamps.
-You must have heard me tell this one before.
-I believe I must.
-Nevertheless...we...we pushed on towards the Ogowe River...plagued by mandrake flies.The stench of the swamp...
-Fairy tales.Like all her stories.
-Now not only are there crocodiles..
-Miss.G has risked it all.She's fearless and true and an example to everyone of us.
-I think you'll find Mary Kingsley risked it all in 1897.A bestseller,I think.It was certainly translated into Spanish.
-...to exit and begin its external life.
1.but a pleasure to be indulged with caution,for you are certain to come across crocodiles. 迷人的旅程,但必须小心行事,因为你一定会遇上鳄鱼。
1.v. [T] indulge sb. with sth. 让...享受一下;使高兴
2.v. [I] indulge in 沉迷;放纵自己/使自己高兴一下;让自己享受一下
2.come across 偶遇
偶遇也可以说成 meet up with 或者 happen to meet
3.It was the case of "here one minute,gone the next".说时迟那时快
4....he need have gilded the lily by fooling around in mangrove swamps.自己犯的什么傻,在红树林沼泽边胡闹。
gild the lily 画蛇添足,多此一举 |